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Tom Carper's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

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Date Title
08/19/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Warner & Kaine Join Shaheen, Ernst & Colleagues in Bipartisan Letter Urging Administration to Act on Immediate Evacuation of SIV Applicants
08/19/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Warner & Kaine Join Shaheen, Ernst & Colleagues in Bipartisan Letter Urging Administration to Act On Immediate Evacuation of SIV Applicants
08/18/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Romney Joins Bipartisan Effort Urging the Administration on Immediate Evacuation of SIV Applicants & Full Implementation of their SIV Legislation
08/17/2021 Letter to Hon. Antony Blinken, Secretary of State and Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security - Kaine Joins Menendez, Shaheen, & Senate Colleagues in Bipartisan Letter Urging Biden Admin to Protect Afghan Women Leaders in Wake of Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan
04/13/2021 Letter to President Joseph R. Biden - Feinstein, Kaine, Murphy, Colleagues Urge Biden to Return to Iran Nuclear Agreement Under a Compliance for Compliance Approach
03/25/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Menendez, Booker Push for $55B in Capital Investments for Northeast Corrdior
02/24/2021 Letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen - Carper, Portman Applaud Treasury Department's Sanctions Targeting Leaders of Burmese Military Coup and Urge Biden Administration to Heed Bipartisan Recommendations Regarding Future Penalties
02/09/2021 Letter to President Joe Biden, President of the US - Carper, Chesapeake Bay Watershed Senators Urge President Biden to Fully Fund Bay Restoration Programs
01/19/2021 Letter to President Elect Joe Biden - Feinstein, Baldwin, Murphy, Colleagues Support Biden Plan to Utilize Defense Production Act, Increase Supply of Necessary Medical Equipment and Supplies
01/13/2021 Letter to Honorable Alex Azar, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Rosen, Cortez Masto Call on Administration to Immediately Address Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Failures
01/11/2021 Letter to Honorable Alex Azar, Secretary of The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - in New Letter, Brown Demands Trump Administration Immediately Address Significant Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Failures
11/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Emily Murphy, Admin. of the General Services Administration - Udall and Heinrich to GSA: Stop Playing Politics with Presidential Transition
10/09/2020 Letter to the Hon. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General of the United States Postal Service - Rosen and Peters Lead Colleagues in Letter to Postmaster General DeJoy Requesting Immediate Action to Address Impacts to Election Mail Delivery Caused by USPS Failure to Update Voter Address Changes
10/01/2020 Letter to the Hon. Christi Grimm, Principal Deputy Inspector General of the Dept. of Health and Human Services - Durbin, Duckworth Join Colleagues In Calling For Investigation Into Political Inference With Coronavirus Information
09/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sean O'Donnell, Inspector General of the Environmental Protection Agency - Carper Requests EPA IG Investigation into Irregularities at the EPA Office of General Counsel
07/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Emory A. Rounds, Director of the US Office of Government Ethics - Carper, Warren Request Information from Office of Government Ethics Regarding Ivanka Trump's Goya Tweet
06/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense - Merkley, Wyden, Colleagues Press Trump Administration for Answers on Cost, Legal Justification of Out-of-State National Guard Deployment to D.C.
06/11/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General - Duckworth, Durbin Join Klobuchar, Smith and Colleagues to Reiterate Call for DOJ Investigation into Racially Discriminatory and Violent Policing at Minneapolis Police Department
05/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sean O'Donnell, Inspector General of the Environmental Protection Agency - After Reviewing New Documents, Carper Urges Expansion of EPA Inspector General Investigation into the SAFE Vehicles Rule
04/07/2020 Letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar - Murphy, Baldwin, Senate Dems to Hhs: Reopen the Aca Marketplace, Allow More Americans to Get Health Insurance During Covid-19 Pandemic
04/03/2020 Letter to Steven Mnuchin, Sec. of the Treasury - Sens. Peters & Carper and Reps. Maloney & Connolly Press Trump Administration to Provide Urgently-Needed Funds to U.S. Postal Service during Coronavirus Pandemic
03/20/2020 Letter to Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, Department of Homeland Security - Connolly, Bicameral Group of Members Press Trump Administration on Reports DHS is Preparing Mass Deportations of DREAMers
11/26/2019 Letter to the Hon. Russell Vought, Acting Dir. of the Office of Management and Budget - Peters, Colleagues Call for Transparency from White House Regulatory Office Nominee
10/18/2019 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, and the Hon. Charles Schumer, Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate - Bipartisan Letter Urges Leadership to Have Full Senate Consider Article One Act
09/13/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Bipartisan Group of HSGAC Members Urge Action to Address Vacant Inspector General Positions

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