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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Natural Resources

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Date Title
10/22/2020 NM Delegation Applauds $1.6 Million in USDA Grants for Agricultural Training and Support for Military Veterans, Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
09/24/2020 Udall Introduces Legislation to Prevent Corporations from Dumping Plastic Pellets Into the Oceans and Other Waterways
09/10/2020 Following Staggering Report that Wildlife Populations Plummeted By Two Thirds in 50 Years, Udall Renews Call for Bold Action to Save Nature
08/28/2020 Udall, Heinrich, Torres Small Applaud Grants to Improve Water Access in Doña Ana County
08/28/2020 Udall, Heinrich, Torres Small Applaud Grants to Improve Water Access in Doña Ana County
08/24/2020 NM Delegation Hails Nearly $3 Million to UNM for Research into Effects of Climate Change in the Southwest
08/14/2020 NM Delegation Celebrates Great American Outdoors Act Becoming Law
08/12/2020 Udall, Lowenthal Circulate Blueprints for Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act to State Legislators
08/06/2020 Udall Improvements to PIPES Act to Prevent Harmful Methane Pollution Clear Senate
08/04/2020 Portman, Bipartisan Colleagues Introduce Conservation Legislation to Protect Tropical Forests & Coral Reef Ecosystems
08/04/2020 Udall, Neguse Introduce Landmark Pesticide Reform to Protect Children, Farmworkers and Consumers from Toxic Pesticides
07/29/2020 Congressman Panetta Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Restore America's National Forests
07/22/2020 Udall Hails Historic House Passage of the Great American Outdoors Act
07/16/2020 NM Delegation Celebrates EPA Grants for Valle de Oro and Taos Valley Acequia Association
07/10/2020 VIDEO: Udall, HECHO, Community Leaders Push for Full Conservation Funding During Roundtable Discussion on Great American Outdoors Act Benefits for New Mexico
06/30/2020 Udall: 30 by 30 National Conservation Goal a Part of House Climate Action Plan
06/30/2020 Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act Highlighted in House Democrats' Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America
06/25/2020 Udall Highlights 30 by 30 Resolution to Save Nature During Colorado Stop on "Road to 30 Virtual Tour'
06/23/2020 Udall: Four Years After TSCA Reform, Fight Continues to Protect Bipartisan Chemical Safety Measure from Trump Administration
06/19/2020 VIDEO: Udall and Dr. Enric Sala Explain Urgent Need to Protect 30 Percent of U.S. Land and Water by 2030
06/17/2020 Udall Testifies Before Senate Committee on His Landmark Legislation to Tackle the Plastic Pollution Crisis
06/17/2020 Historic, Udall-Championed Conservation Bill Clears Senate
06/09/2020 Udall Calls for Urgent Action to Protect Marine Ecosystems In Virtual Keynote Launching Capitol Hill Ocean Week
05/12/2020 Udall, Heinrich Introduce Wild & Scenic Legislation to Protect the Gila River
04/27/2020 Udall, Heinrich Move to File Court Brief in Public Stream Access Case before New Mexico Supreme Court

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