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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
09/11/2020 NM Delegation Secures Funding To Increase Pipeline Safety Across New Mexico
09/18/2018 Udall Statement on Trump Rollback of Methane and Waste Prevention Rule
02/02/2018 Udall Responds to BLM Limiting Reviews of Oil and Gas Leasing on Public Lands, Shutting Out Public Comments
12/01/2017 Udall, Heinrich Offer Amendment to Protect State Mineral Leasing Payments for NM
10/20/2016 Udall: Interior Department to Review Management of Lands in Northwestern NM
03/02/2016 Udall Fights for New Mexico Priorities in Interior Department Budget
11/05/2015 Wyden, Udall, Heinrich, Bennet, Markey Introduce Bill to Ensure Hardrock Mining Companies Pay Their Fair Share
05/13/2015 Udall Presses BLM Director on Concerns in NM about Chaco Canyon Oil Leasing, Possible State Office Merger
09/16/2014 Udall, Barrasso Hail Senate Passage of Bill to Streamline BLM Energy Permits
06/05/2014 Udall, Barrasso Bill Would Renew and Improve BLM Energy Permitting Program
05/02/2014 Udall, Colleagues Press White House to Prioritize Approval of Pending Liquefied Natural Gas Export Facilities
03/11/2014 Udall: N.M. 'At the Bull's-eye' of Climate Change Crisis; Urges Action in Speech on Senate Floor
12/12/2012 Grijalva, Udall Highlight Taxpayer Losses, Lack of Needed Data Revealed in New Oil and Mining Report
07/12/2012 Secretary Salazar Announces Landmark Proposal to Facilitate Co-Development of Potash, Oil and Gas in New Mexico
03/06/2012 Udall Calls on Regulators to Curb Oil Speculation
12/14/2011 Pipeline Safety Bill Passes Senate, Moves to President
09/21/2011 Grijalva, Udall Formally Request GAO Investigation of Corporate Profits, Public Benefits From Mining and Drilling on Federal Lands
07/21/2010 Udall Highlights N.M. Solutions for Gulf Coast Clean-up
05/11/2010 Udall Calls for Tougher Regulation of Offshore Oil Industry in Wake of Catastrophic Gulf Spill
09/18/2008 Udall Votes to Curb Oil Speculation, Lower Gas Prices
06/27/2008 Udall Supports Three Bills to Help Lower Gas Prices
06/24/2008 Udall Votes to Stop Gas Price Gouging
05/08/2008 Udall Votes to Protect Homeowners and Economy