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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
11/17/2020 Senator Tom Udall: A Climate, Clean Energy and Environmental Leader
10/07/2020 Udall Hails California's Commitment to Conserving 30 Percent of California's Lands and Waters by 2030
10/06/2020 Udall, Heinrich Object to Trump Interior Department's Refusal to Extend Chaco Comment Process During Pandemic
08/17/2020 Udall Slams Interior Department Plan to Offer Oil and Gas Leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
05/01/2020 N.M. Delegation Request For Holtec Public Comment Period Extension Granted
02/25/2020 Udall, Grassley Introduce Bill to Ensure Taxpayers Get Fair Share for Public Lands Leasing
11/14/2019 Udall, Welch Introduce Legislation to Reform the Renewable Fuel Standard to Benefit the Environment
10/31/2019 Senate Passes Udall, Heinrich Resolution Honoring Nation's Nuclear Weapons Workers, Declare National Day of Remembrance
10/31/2019 New Mexico Delegation Celebrates House Passage Of Permanent Chaco Canyon Protections
10/24/2019 Udall, Heinrich Introduce Bill to Incentivize Renewable Energy, Localize Benefits
10/23/2019 VIDEO: Udall Speaks as Bipartisan Interior Appropriations Bill Reaches Senate Floor
10/23/2019 Udall Applauds House Committee Passage of Hardrock Mining Reform Legislation to Make Mining Companies Pay Their Fair Share
10/23/2019 Resolution part of 'new playbook' on the environment -- Udall
10/22/2019 Udall Lays out Bold Conservation Agenda in Address at Center for American Progress: "Confronting the Nature Crisis'
10/07/2019 Udall chairs Indian Affairs field hearing on the legacy of uranium mining in New Mexico and Indian country
10/07/2019 Udall Chairs Indian Affairs Field Hearing on the Legacy of Uranium Mining in New Mexico and Indian Country
09/26/2019 Udall Secures Protections for Chaco Canyon Area in Major Interior & Environment Funding Bill
09/11/2019 Bennet, Markey, Cantwell, Carper, Schumer and Udall Introduce Legislation to Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
07/31/2019 Commerce Committee Passes Udall Amendment to Require First National Safety Standards for Dangerous, Unregulated Gas Gathering Lines
07/25/2019 Cortez Masto introduces Renewable Energy Extension Act
07/25/2019 Udall, Lofgren & Matsui Introduce Legislation to Give All Americans an Opportunity to Invest in Building Our Clean Energy Future
04/01/2019 Udall, Heinrich Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand RECA to include Tularosa Downwinders, Post-1971 Uranium Workers
09/11/2018 Udall Statement on Trump EPA Move to Weaken Emissions Rules
07/02/2018 Udall, Welch: Overdue EPA Report Shows Negative Environmental Impacts of RFS
06/08/2018 Udall, Heinrich, Luján Statement on Los Alamos National Lab Contract Decision

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