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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

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Date Title
12/14/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Minority Leader, the Hon. Thad Cochran, and the Hon. Patrick Leahy - Proposed Cuts to EPA Threaten Public Health
12/06/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the EPA - Protect Strong Fuel Economy Standards
11/02/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the DOI - Oppose Delay of BLM Waste Prevention Rule, Save Taxpayer Money and Protect Public Health
11/01/2017 Letter to the Hon. Wilbur Ross, U.S. Department of Commerce - Sen. Franken Renews Call on Trump Administration To Maintain Scientific Integrity in National Climate Assessment Update
09/07/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Senators Call on Pruitt to Enforce Methane Rule
08/21/2017 Letter to Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior - Urge Interior Secretary to Honor New Mexicans' Views and Leave NM's Monuments Alone
07/27/2017 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Request for Funds for Colorado River Basin
07/13/2017 Letter to the Honorable Mr. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Paris Climate Agreement Renegotiation
07/11/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Senate Democrats Urge President Trump to Implement Rules that Limit Natural Gas Waste and Safeguard Public Health
06/29/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Udall Demands Answers from Pruitt on Decision Not to Ban Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos
05/24/2017 Letter to the President Donald Trump - Paris Climate Agreement
05/08/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - N.M. Delegation Urges EPA To Prioritize Gold King Mine Cleanup
04/26/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Executive Order Threatening National Monuments
04/11/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Don't Reverse National Monument Designations
04/07/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Democrats Question Pruitt on EPA's Plan to Address Carbon Pollution without the Clean Power Plan
03/28/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Concerns Regarding Your Energy Independence Executive Order
03/22/2017 Letter to the Hon. Chairman Cochran and the Vice Chairman Leahy - Regarding Proposed EPA Cuts That Would Threaten America's Clean Air and Water
02/16/2017 Letter to the Hon. Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator - Regarding Recusal of Personal Lawsuits Brought Against the EPA
02/06/2017 Letter to Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Chairman Murkowski, and Ranking Member Cantwell - Protect the BLM Rule That Prevents Natural Gas Waste, Safeguards Health and Economic Growth
12/01/2016 Letter to the Honorable Mike Pence, Vice President-Elect - Calll for Smooth Transition for Chemical Safety Reform Implementation in New Administration
12/01/2016 Letter to the President-Elect Donald Trump - Drain the Swamp at EPA, DOE, DOI
07/28/2016 Letter to Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator - McCaskill, Bipartisan Group of Senators Urge Obama Administration to Support Job-Creating Biodiesel Production
07/21/2016 Letter to The Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency - Support Biodiesel, Help Create Jobs
07/11/2016 Letter to the Honorable Monica C. Regalbuto, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management - Members Of NM Delegation Urge Department Of Energy To Strongly Consider Local Businesses, Staffing In Los Alamos National Laboratory Contract Process
06/27/2016 Letter to the Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Call to Establish a Strong Renewable Fuel Standard

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