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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food

Date Title
11/04/2019 Udall's Provision to Combat Lunch Shaming Passes Senate
09/19/2019 Udall Advances Priorities of New Mexico Farmers and Ranchers, Rural Communities in Bipartisan Agriculture Funding Bill
09/19/2019 Udall, Collins Secure Federal Action to Address Lunch Shaming in Agriculture Funding Bill
07/18/2019 Murphy, Udall introduce bill to help beginning farmers pay student loan debt
05/02/2019 U.S. Sens. Smith, Udall, Cortez Masto Reintroduce Legislation to Increase Access to Nutritious Meals for Native Students
05/02/2019 Haaland, Luján, Grijalva Introduce House Bill to Increase Access to Nutritious Meals for Native Kids
03/08/2019 Senate Democrats Applaud Enactment of Farmworker Protections As Part of PRIA
01/30/2019 Udall, Carper Respond to EPA Withdrawing Proposal to Scrap Worker Protection Rule
11/13/2018 Udall Statement on FDA's Proposal to Limit Sales of E-Cigarettes
06/29/2018 Udall, Heinrich Announce Major Wins for Young Farmers and Ranchers, Dairies, and Tribes in Farm Bill
06/29/2018 Heinrich, Udall Secure Amendment In Farm Bill To Protect And Preserve Native American Seeds
06/26/2018 Udall Secures Key Tribal Provisions in Senate Farm Bill Reauthorization
05/25/2018 Udall Advances Priorities of New Mexico Farmers and Ranchers, Rural Communities in Agriculture Funding Bill
05/16/2018 Hoeven, Udall Announce Committee Passage of CROPS for Indian Country Act
05/15/2018 N.M. Democrats Introduce Bill To Help Farmers In Underserved Communities
05/09/2018 Udall, Hoeven Introduce Legislation to Support Native Farmers, Ranchers, and Communities
04/17/2018 Murphy, Udall Introduce Student Loan Forgiveness Legislation to Help Beginning Farmers
05/09/2017 Casey, Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prohibit School 'Lunch Shaming'
04/02/2015 Blog: Protecting Our Kids From Dangerous Chemicals
03/18/2015 Udall: Congress Must Reform Broken Chemical Safety Law, Protect Our Kids From Dangerous Chemicals
01/31/2014 Blog - Securing Support for our Local Communities
11/30/2010 A Step to Safer Food