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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Indigenous Peoples

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Date Title
11/19/2020 Senate Passes Udall, Hoeven Resolution to Recognize November as National Native American Heritage Month
11/19/2020 Udall Leads Committee Passage of Bridging the Tribal Digital Divide Act
11/16/2020 Udall Statement on Closure of Critical Health Services at ACL Hospital
11/10/2020 Senator Tom Udall: Advancing Priorities for Indian Country
11/04/2020 Udall Statement Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
10/30/2020 Udall, Murkowski Mark 30th Anniversary of Native American Languages Act, Announce New Bipartisan Native American Language Bill
10/27/2020 Udall: New Watchdog Report Shows Trump Administration Blatantly Mishandled Tribal Data
10/26/2020 Udall Calls on Senate to Protect Health Care for New Mexicans, Native Americans and Vote Against Judge Barrett's Confirmation to the Supreme Court
10/23/2020 Fact Checking the Trump Administration's Attempt to Re-write its Native American Record, False Promises to Tribes
10/21/2020 Udall Bill to Boost Small Business Development, Create Jobs in Indian Country Signed into Law
10/12/2020 Udall Statement Honoring Indigenous Peoples' Day
10/06/2020 Udall, Heinrich Object to Trump Interior Department's Refusal to Extend Chaco Comment Process During Pandemic
09/23/2020 Udall Leads Indian Affairs Hearing on Legislation to Address Broadband, Health Care Access in Indian Country
09/21/2020 Udall Hails House Passage of His Bill to Boost Small Business Development and Create Jobs in Indian Country
09/21/2020 Udall Applauds House Passage of 5 Senate Indian Affairs Committee Bills
09/21/2020 Chairman Hoeven and Vice Chairman Udall Statement on House Passage of Tribal Self-Governance Senate Bill
08/15/2020 Udall Statement on Reports that William Perry Pendley's Nomination Being Withdrawn
08/14/2020 Udall Statement Honoring Navajo Code Talkers Day
08/13/2020 Udall: Trump Administration Playing Politics with Native Students' Lives During Pandemic
07/31/2020 Udall, Schumer: Republican Coronavirus Proposal Leaves Tribes, Native Communities Out
07/13/2020 Udall Statement on Washington Football Team Changing Racist Name
07/01/2020 Sens. Udall and Smith Speak Out on Senate Floor Calling on Senate to Immediately Provide Additional COVID-19 Relief for Tribes
06/25/2020 Chairman Hoeven and Vice Chairman Udall Introduce Bipartisan Native American Housing Legislation
06/08/2020 Udall Applauds Senate Passage of Legislation to Increase Access to Drinking Water in Indian Country, Health Care for Native Veterans and Teachers
05/14/2020 Udall Builds Support for Expanding Broadband Access in Indian Country at Senate Commerce Committee Hearing

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