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Tom Udall's Public Statements on Issue: Indigenous Peoples

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Date Title
08/03/2020 NM Delegation Applauds Over $1 Million Grant to UNM Memory and Aging Center
07/21/2020 NM Delegation Applauds AmeriCorps Grant for Navajo Nation and Zuni Pueblo
07/21/2020 NM Delegation Applauds AmeriCorps Grant for Navajo Nation and Zuni Pueblo
07/09/2020 Udall Statement on Supreme Court Decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma
06/10/2020 NM Delegation Applauds HUD Grants for Tribal Communities
05/08/2020 McSally Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Health Care Resources for Urban Indian Health Organizations Amid Pandemic
04/21/2020 Heinrich, Udall Announce Tribal COVID-19 Disaster Assistance Cost Share Relief Act
03/27/2020 Udall: Tribal Coronavirus Relief Provisions Pass Full Congress
06/28/2019 Udall Announces Senate Passage of 11 Indian Affairs Committee Bills
06/28/2019 Cortez Masto Cosponsors Bill to Empower Tribal Communities to Prosecute Domestic Violence, Protect Native Children
06/21/2019 New Mexico Delegation Introduces Bill to Fulfill Aamodt Litigation Settlement
06/19/2019 Udall Leads Hearing on 5 Bills, Questions Administration's Commitment to Improving Public Safety in Native Communities
06/13/2019 Udall Leads Bipartisan Group of Indian Affairs Committee Senators in Introducing Legislation to Address Law Enforcement, Public Safety Needs in Native Communities
06/13/2019 Cortez Masto Cosponsors Bill to Strengthen Tribal and Federal Coordination and Reduce Violence in Native Communities
05/24/2019 Udall Calls for a Vote on VAWA with Tribal Provisions to Address Epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
05/16/2019 Udall Secures Administration Commitment to Getting Victim Service Resources to Indian Country, Urges Support for Indian Water Rights Settlement Legislation
05/09/2019 Udall Fights for Advance Appropriations, Strong Funding of Critical Indian Programs
05/03/2019 Ahead of MMIW Day of Awareness, Udall Calls on Senate to Take Action on MMIW Crisis and Pass VAWA Reauthorization with Key Tribal Provisions Immediately
05/02/2019 Udall Fights to Boost Benefits, Improve Recruitment and Retention for Teachers at Native Schools
05/01/2019 Udall Presses IHS Leadership on Need for Strong Funding, Budgetary Certainty for Indian Health Service
04/19/2019 Udall, Heinrich, Luján, Torres Small Announce $24 Million for Construction Projects at Two New Mexico BIE Schools
04/17/2019 Udall, Heinrich, Luján Announce $220 Million in Contract Opportunities for Uranium Mine Cleanup on Navajo Nation
04/09/2019 Udall, Heinrich, Luján, Haaland Introduce Legislation to Protect Chaco Canyon Area
01/31/2019 Udall, Smith, Murkowski Introduce Major Bipartisan Legislation to Address Violence Against Native Women, Children and Tribal Law Enforcement
01/30/2019 New Mexico Delegation Leads Introduction of Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Reauthorize Native American Language Programs

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