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Shelley Berkley's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

Date Title
07/30/2012 Shelley Berkley Celebrates Medicare's 47th Birthday with Nevada Seniors
06/13/2012 Berkley Campaign Launches Latinos for Shelley with More Than 40 Key Endorsements
06/16/2011 Berkley Opposes Republican Plan to Slash Social Security Benefits for Nevadans
05/27/2011 Berkley, Burgess Legislation Will Preserve Osteoporosis Testing
02/15/2011 Ways And Means Democrats Blast Republican Plan To Shut Down Social Security
12/09/2010 Berkley Joins House in Approving Medicare Physician Payment Fix
10/22/2010 Berkley Warns Social Security Privatization Still the Wrong Choice for Nevada Seniors, Disabled
10/14/2010 Berkley Cosponsors Bill to Give $250 Checks to Americans on Social Security -- House to Vote in November
09/23/2010 Berkley: New Healthcare Protections for Nevadans Now in Effect
09/22/2010 Seniors to Save on Medicare Advantage Premiums in 2011 Finds New CMS Report
07/22/2010 Berkley Votes to Extend Helping Hand for Unemployed Nevadans
06/24/2010 Berkley Urges Senate Republicans to Back Medicare Payment Fix, Unemployment Help for Nevadans
06/22/2010 Patient's Bill of Rights Enhances Healthcare Protections for Nevada Families
05/28/2010 Berkley Votes to Extend Tax Savings for Nevada Families as Part of New Jobs Bill
05/25/2010 Tax Cuts for Nevadans Included in New House Job Creation Package
05/20/2010 Berkley Backs New Job Creation, Tax Relief Package
03/17/2010 Berkley Calls For Quick Approval Of Latest Unemployment Extension
03/17/2010 Berkley Cheers House Passage Of Latest Unemployment Extension
03/27/2009 New GAO Report NOTES Need for Better Data on Healthcare Associated Infections in Ambulatory Surgical Centers
07/15/2008 Berkley Votes to Override Bush Veto on Medicare Bill
06/26/2008 With Clock Ticking, Berkley Urges Senate to Pass Medicare Fix
04/17/2007 Berkley Votes for New Taxpayer Protections