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Dean Heller's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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Date Title
10/15/2018 Heller Authors Bill to Promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fields in Nevada Schools, Workforce Development Programs
09/26/2018 Three Heller Measures to Help Veterans Get Jobs, Promote STEM Programs, Support Pregnant Women and Infants Headed to the President's Desk
06/22/2017 Heller Secures Significant Wins for Nevada in FAA Reauthorization Billl
06/15/2017 Heller, Manchin Introduce Bill to Expand Access to Rural Broadband
03/31/2017 Heller, Cornyn, Blumenthal Lead Bipartisan Effort to Combat Online Exploitation of Children
05/25/2016 Heller, Hatch, Coons Introduce Bipartisan International Communications Privacy Act
02/29/2016 Heller Joins Bipartisan Coalition to Create National Commission on Digital Security
12/09/2015 Statement on DOT's Inclusion of Crash Avoidance Technology in 5-Star Auto Ratings
11/20/2015 Heller Donates Computers to Local School in Time for Holidays
06/17/2015 Wyden, Heller Bill Requires Warrants For Aerial Surveillance
06/11/2015 Senators Heller and Schatz Bipartisan Bill on FCC Passes Senate Unanimously
02/12/2015 Hatch, Coons, and Heller Introduce Bipartisan LEADS Act to Protect Data Stored Abroad
09/18/2014 Hatch, Coons, Heller Introduce Legislation to Protect Americans' Electronic Data Stored Abroad
07/29/2014 Sens. Franken & Heller's Measures to Strengthen Surveillance Transparency Included in NSA Reform Bill
05/13/2014 Senators Heller, Johnson Call for Congress, Not FCC, to Take Lead on Net Neutrality
02/04/2014 Heller Introduces Bill to Reform FCC Processes
01/30/2014 Heller Welcomes Talks on Process Reform at FCC Open Meeting
01/17/2014 Heller Responds to Obama's Speech on NSA Reforms
12/18/2013 Heller Statement on Panel Recommendations for National Security Agency
07/31/2013 Heller Welcomes House Progress to Streamline FCC Reporting
07/26/2013 Effort to Streamline FCC Reporting, Eliminate Obsolete Telegraph Requirement Gains Momentum in the House and Senate
06/22/2012 Sen. Toomey Introduces Data Security Bill
03/06/2012 Heller Calls on Commerce Committee to Take Up FCC Reform
03/06/2012 Heller Calls on Commerce Committee to Take Up FCC Reform
11/02/2011 Heller Advocates for FCC Reform

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