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Brian Higgins' Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

Date Title
06/17/2021 Statement by Congressman Brian Higgins
03/10/2021 Higgins Says American Rescue Plan Lays the Groundwork for A Better Tomorrow
06/29/2020 Higgins Votes to Expand Health Coverage & Lower Costs for Americans
06/29/2020 Higgins Votes to Expand Health Coverage & Lower Costs for Americans
02/13/2020 Committee Advances Bill, Cosponsored by Higgins, to Protect Patients from Surprise Medical Bills
01/31/2020 Higgins Pushes for Expanded Medicare Coverage of Anti-Rejection Drugs for Kidney Transplant Patients
12/10/2019 Higgins testifies on Medicare Buy-In legislation in House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing
06/13/2019 Governor Cuomo Announces 12 Members of the New York Congressional Delegation Join Growing Campaign to Legalize Surrogacy and Ban the Gay and Trans Panic Legal Defense Before the End of Session
06/13/2019 At Ways and Means Committee Hearing, Higgins Defends Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions, Encourages Expanding the Medicare Model to More Americans
05/17/2019 Higgins Announces Approval of Bill Package Addressing Prescription Drug Costs
05/06/2019 Congressman Higgins & Local Advocates Detail Bipartisan Bill to Help Individuals with Severe Medical Needs
06/21/2018 Higgins Offers Amendment to Advance Medicare At 50
06/20/2018 Higgins Says GOP Budget Aims to Pay for Wealthy Tax Breaks on the Backs of Hardworking Americans
06/19/2018 With Protections for those with Pre-Existing Conditions Under Full Attack, Higgins Says the Need for an Early Medicare Buy In is Increasingly Critical
06/26/2015 Congressman Higgins' Statement in Response to the Supreme Court Affordable Care Act Ruling
08/06/2012 Governor Cuomo Announces that New York Submits Federal Waiver to Invest $10 Billion in Medicaid Redesign Team Savings to Transform the State's Health Care System
09/23/2010 Congressman Higgins Hails Passage of Medicare Anti-Fraud Legislation
09/24/2009 Higgins Votes With House To Approve Medicare Premium Fairness Act
09/24/2009 Higgins Votes With House To Approve Medicare Premium Fairness Act
09/23/2009 Higgins Sponsors Legislation To Protect Seniors From Cuts To Medicare And Social Security
09/26/2008 Higgins Backs Economic Stimulus Package for Struggling Americans
09/26/2008 Higgins Backs Economic Stimulus Package for Struggling Americans
07/15/2008 Higgins Hails Veto Override to Stop Cuts to Medicare Payments