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Jeff Merkley's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

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Date Title
04/21/2017 Merkley Statement on Volcker Enforcement Action Against Deutsche Bank
03/31/2017 Waters and 40 Democratic Members Unite in Their Fight to Protect the Consumer Bureau
03/08/2017 Merkley, Wyden, Bonamici, Defazio, Schrader, Reintroduce Bipartisan Timber Innovation Act
02/27/2017 Merkley Statement on Ross Nomination
02/13/2017 Merkley Statement on Mnuchin Nomination
02/03/2017 Merkley Slams Trump Plan to Gut Wall Street Oversight
01/11/2017 Cardin, Warren, Wyden, Durbin, Carper, Casey, Merkley, Baldwin Respond to Trump Announcement Not to Resolve Conflicts of Interest
12/02/2016 Merkley Expresses Concern that OCC FinTech Charter Plan Will Allow Lenders to "Sink to the Lowest Common Denominator"
11/30/2016 Merkley Slams Trump's Pick of Mnuchin for Treasury
09/28/2016 Merkley Statement on Continuing Resolution Vote
09/20/2016 Merkley Demands Accountability From Wells Fargo CEO at Senate Banking Committee Hearing
09/12/2016 Merkley Calls for Action Following Report Recommending Limits on Banks' Ownership of Physical Commodities
08/26/2016 Merkley Applauds News that Majority Leader Won't Bring Up TPP in Lame Duck
07/07/2016 Cummings, Merkley Introduce Legislation to Protect Workers from Predatory Debt Collectors
07/07/2016 Merkley Statement on Passage of Anti-Consumer GMO Labeling
07/07/2016 Merkley Slams Repeated Fed Volcker Delays
07/06/2016 Merkley Decries Senate Vote on Anti-Consumer GMO Labeling Bill
06/02/2016 Merkley Applauds Major New CFPB Rule On Small Dollar Lending
04/07/2016 Senators Introduce Safe Lending Act to Protect Consumers From Predatory Practices in Payday Lending
01/28/2016 Merkley Introduces Major New Retirement Security Legislation to Give Every Worker Access to a Retirement Savings Plan
12/17/2015 Senate Passes Landmark, Merkley-backed Legislation to Protect Consumers From Toxic Chemicals
10/20/2015 Merkley Statement on Sec Nominations
10/05/2015 Merkley Statement on Trans Pacific Partnership Deal Reached
09/28/2015 Merkley Statement on Royal Dutch Shell's Decision o Stop Arctic Drilling
07/21/2015 On Five Year Anniversary of Wall Street Reform, Senate Democrats, Joined by Former Senator Dodd, Fight Back Against Continued Attacks on Consumer Protections

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