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Jeff Merkley's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
08/04/2021 Following Senate Foreign Relations Markup, Merkley Voices Strong Support for Repealing Outdated Authorizations of Military Force
04/14/2021 Merkley Supports President Biden's Withdrawal of American Troops from Afghanistan
09/10/2020 Menendez, Shaheen, Durbin, Blumenthal, Merkley, Duckworth Introduce Russia Bounty Response Act of 2020
07/30/2019 Van Hollen, Graham, Moran, Merkley Introduce Legislation to Require that Ex-Im Bank Financing of Any Nuclear Projects in Saudi Arabia Meet Strict Conditions
06/13/2019 Udall, Kaine, Senators File Bipartisan Iran Amendment to NDAA to Prevent Unauthorized War
02/28/2019 Merkley Introduces Resolution to Prevent Military Intervention in Venezuela without Explicit Congressional Authorization
11/29/2018 Merkley, Warren, Gillibrand, Markey, Senators Introduce Bill to Prevent Nuclear Arms Race
11/29/2018 Merkley, Warren, Gillibrand, Markey, Senators Introduce Bill to Prevent Nuclear Arms Race
06/28/2018 Merkley, Senators Affirm U.S. Commitment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
05/23/2018 Merkley Introduces Alternative AUMF to Stop Endless War and Preserve Constitutional Vision of War Authorization
05/16/2018 Merkley Releases Statement of Principles for AUMF
11/17/2017 Senate Passes Wyden, Merkley Provision in Defense Bill to Encourage National Guard to Train Members to Fight Wildfires
10/31/2017 New Bill: No War in North Korea Without Congressional Authorization
09/18/2017 Wyden, Merkley Secure Their Provision in Defense Bill to Train National Guard Members to Fight Wildfires
08/25/2017 Following Congressional Delegation to Korea, Japan, and China, Merkley Calls for Stronger Sanctions and Focused Diplomacy to Address Threat of North Korea
03/26/2016 Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Visits Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel
05/21/2015 Wyden, Merkley Laud FAA Decision on Unmanned Aircraft
01/06/2015 Murphy, Blumenthal, Brown, Coons, Merkley Reintroduce Jobs Matter Act
02/06/2014 Bipartisan Group of Senators Push for Congressional Vote Before Extending Afghanistan Troop Presence
02/06/2014 Bipartisan Group of Senators Push for Congressional Vote Before Extending Afghanistan Troop Presence
01/14/2014 Sens. Paul, Wyden and Gillibrand Introduce Bill to Repeal AUMF for Iraq
11/20/2013 Senators: Congress Should Vote on Keeping Troops in Afghanistan Past 2014
11/29/2012 Senate Passes Merkley, Paul Amendment to End War in Afghanistan
07/24/2012 Merkley, Udall, Durbin Introduce Legislation to Curb Online Payday Lending
03/01/2012 Wyden Leads Bipartisan Effort to Award Defense of Freedom Medals to Civilian Police Officers Killed in Wars

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