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Jeff Merkley's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs

Date Title
07/25/2022 Letter to Hon. Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of the FDA - Senator Baldwin Voices Support for FDA's Proposed "Life-Saving" Ban on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars
12/21/2021 Van Hollen, Warren, Baldwin, Maloney Reintroduce Landmark CARE Act to Combat the Substance Use Epidemic
12/16/2021 Baldwin, Warren, Maloney Lead More than 100 Democrats in Senate and House in Reintroducing Landmark CARE Act to Combat the Substance Use Epidemic
10/30/2019 Romney, Merkley File Vaping Bill as Amendment to Appropriations Bill
07/23/2019 Menendez Introduces Marijuana Insurance Bill
06/04/2019 Merkley Introduces Bill to Increase Opioid Treatment Availability, Hold Drug Companies Accountable
04/11/2019 Merkley, Gardner Lead Senate Introduction of Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Access to Banking Services for Legal Cannabis Businesses
04/04/2019 Brown Joins Bipartisan Group to Introduce First-Ever Targeted Fentanyl Sanctions Bill to Hold China Accountable On Commitment to Crack Down On Manufacturers & Traffickers of Lethal Opioids Ravaging U.S. Communities
10/29/2018 Wyden, Durbin, Murray & Colleagues Urge FDA to Protect Kids from Tobacco Use and Addiction
03/21/2018 Merkley Secures Funding to Block Opioids Entering U.S.
01/04/2018 Merkley Decries Sessions Cannabis Decision
01/04/2018 Merkley Decries Sessions Cannabis Decision
05/02/2017 Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Legislation to Provide Access to Epilepsy Treatment
02/20/2017 Senators View Security, Immigration Processing Operations at U.S.-Mexico Border
08/11/2016 Merkley Statement on DEA's Decision Not to Reschedule Marijuana
04/19/2016 Merkley Denounces Lack of Action on E-cigarette Rules
04/07/2016 Federal Agencies Commit to Marijuana Scheduling Decision This Year
02/29/2016 Merkley Statement on Senate Action to Take on Opioids Crisis
07/09/2015 Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduces Legislation to Provide Access to Banking Services for Legal Marijuana Business
03/24/2009 Roundtable Hearing Of The Senate Committee On Health, Education, Labor And Pensions - Addressing Insurance Market Reform In National Health Reform