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Jeff Merkley's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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Date Title
08/04/2020 Merkley, Sanders Introduce Legislation to Put Strict Limits on Corporate Use of Facial Recognition
07/22/2020 Momentum Builds for Markey-Merkley-Jayapal-Pressley Legislation to Ban Government Use of Facial Recognition, Other Biometric Technologies
05/20/2020 Wyden, Merkley: Legacy Emanuel to Get Federal Aid for Telehealth Work During COVID-19 Pandemic
12/16/2019 Merkley Announces Major Broadband Investment in 2020 Funding
04/30/2019 Eshoo, Merkley Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on Unwanted Robocalls and Texts
04/22/2019 Merkley, Kennedy Announce Introduction of Bill to Prevent In-Flight Entertainment Systems that Spy on Passengers
04/02/2019 Merkley, Panetta Applaud End of Taxpayer-Funded Kitten Slaughter
01/23/2019 Merkley Presses FCC to Take on Predatory, Threatening Robocalls
09/12/2018 Merkley Applauds Fda E-Cigarette Announcement
08/27/2018 Brief Amici Curiae of Members of Congress
05/16/2018 Merkley Applauds Senate Vote to Restore Net Neutrality
11/21/2017 Merkley: FCC Repeal of Net Neutrality is a Huge Blow to Consumers and American Innovation
09/08/2017 Equifax Hack: Merkley Expresses Alarm, Vows to Work With Colleagues to Help Protect Consumers
02/17/2017 Merkley Slams GOP Vote to Rush Through Pruitt Before Emails Exposing Ties to Oil and Gas Industry Are Released
02/16/2017 As Court Rules Pruitt Must Release Emails by Tuesday, Merkley Demands Delay of Floor Vote
12/02/2016 Merkley Expresses Concern that OCC FinTech Charter Plan Will Allow Lenders to "Sink to the Lowest Common Denominator"
04/18/2016 Merkley, Brown, Shaheen Ask Gao for Updated Report on the Financial Technology Marketplace
02/04/2015 Merkley: Stronger Net Neutrality Rules are Huge Step Forward for Consumers and American Innovation
01/20/2015 Merkley State of the Union Reaction: "Let's Seize this Moment for a Bold, Middle-Class Opportunity Agenda"
01/16/2015 Senator Merkley Announces State of the Union Guest
01/17/2014 Merkley Statement on the President's NSA Speech
03/07/2013 Merkley: Brennan Not Right Person for the Job
11/14/2012 Merkley Statement on Cybersecurity Bill
08/02/2012 Merkley Statement on Cybersecurity Bill
05/26/2011 Merkley: Extending the PATRIOT Act Without Meaningful Debate or Amendments Is a Disservice to America

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