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Jeff Merkley's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

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Date Title
12/06/2021 Wyden, Merkley, Colleagues Press Warrior Met to Negotiate a Fair Contract With Workers' Union
11/03/2021 With Filibuster of Voting Rights Act Restoration, Pressure Grows to Restore the Senate's Ability to Act
07/19/2021 Following Voting Rights Hearing In Georgia, Merkley Issues Statement Underscoring Importance Of Protecting The Ballot Box
06/17/2021 Merkley Responds to Fulton v. City of Philadelphia Supreme Court Decision
03/03/2021 Merkley Applauds House Passage of Sweeping Democracy Restoration Bill, the For the People Act
01/19/2021 Merkley Emphasizes Importance of State Department Move to Recognize China's Genocidal Actions Against Uyghurs, Other Muslim Minorities
08/06/2020 Merkley, Wyden Introduce Resolution Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
08/04/2020 Merkley, Sanders Introduce Legislation to Put Strict Limits on Corporate Use of Facial Recognition
08/04/2020 Merkley Highlights Abuses of Peaceful Protesters by Federal Forces in Portland at Senate Hearing
07/29/2020 Merkley Welcomes Announcement of Withdrawal of Federal Forces From Portland
07/23/2020 Wyden, Merkley Introduce The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
07/23/2020 Merkley Opposes NDAA, Continues to Press for Vote on Trump's Secret Police
06/25/2020 Merkley, Wyden, Colleagues, Introduce Legislation to Rename All Bases, Other Military Assets Named for the Confederacy Within One Year
06/19/2020 She was about four feet tall, and as powerful as could be.
06/15/2020 Merkley Applauds Supreme Court Decision Upholding LGBTQ Rights, Calls for Senate to Pass Equality Act
06/08/2020 Merkley Announces Support for Booker-Harris Bill to Tackle Police Brutality, Will Push for Action in Coming Weeks
05/07/2020 Bipartisan, Bicameral Group of Lawmakers Introduces Legislation to Counter Human Rights Abuses Worldwide Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic
03/05/2020 Merkley to Introduce Rules Change to Require Witnesses for Future Impeachment Trials
03/03/2020 Senators Warren, Merkley, and Harris Raise Concerns That DHS-Operated "Tent Courts" Violate Asylum Seekers' Due Process Rights
11/26/2019 Merkley, Wyden Join Bipartisan ERA Resolution
10/24/2019 Udall, Senate Democrats Introduce the Homeland Security Improvement Act
07/24/2019 Booker Reintroduces Sweeping Environmental Justice Bill
05/17/2019 Merkley, Collins, Baldwin, Booker Pledge to Work to Continue Equality Act Momentum in Senate
05/17/2019 Merkley Celebrates House Passage of Equality Act: "let the Bells of Freedom Ring"
01/08/2019 Members of Congress: Systemic Failures Also Contributed to Felipe Gomez Alonzo's Death

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