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GT Thompson, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (PA) - District 15

Date Title
03/18/2021 Guthrie, Thompson, Butterfield, and Thompson Introduce the Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Patient-Centered Care Act
08/22/2020 Congressman Keller introduces GIVE MILK Act to expand access to whole milk
06/21/2018 House Approves 2018 Farm Bill
07/18/2017 Nutrition Subcommittee Evaluates Career Pathways to Success for SNAP Recipients
05/25/2017 M. Thompson, G. Thompson Introduce Bipartisan Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act
03/08/2017 Courtney, Brown, Thompson, Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Ensure Skilled Care For Seniors
07/14/2016 Thompson: We Must Safeguard the Right of Americans Living With Disabilities to Secure Their Future Financial Stability
06/23/2015 Thompson Cosponsored Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act Passes House
05/21/2014 Thompson-Cosponsored VA Management and Accountability Act Passes House of Representatives
05/13/2014 Coalition of 29 Additional National Organizations Announces Support for Thompson MEPS Act
01/29/2014 Bipartisan Farm Bill Advances to Final Stages; Thompson Lauds Economic Benefit of Measure for Pennsylvania
09/17/2013 Reps. Glenn Thompson and Mike Thompson Introduce Bipartisan Medicare Orthotics & Prosthetics Improvement Act
04/12/2013 Reps. Thompson, Loebsack Introduce Recovering Service Members Disability Benefits Act
02/02/2012 House Votes to Repeal Class Act
11/02/2011 The Ag Minute: EPA's Flawed Chesapeake Bay Model is a Burden to States & Rural Communities
04/05/2011 Altmire, Thompson: CMS's Decision to Delay Competitive Bidding Round Two a Key Victory
09/23/2010 Thompson supports gop "pledge to america" proposal