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Pat Toomey's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
03/02/2022 Toomey Statement on President Biden's State of the Union
10/21/2021 Shelby, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Democrats' IRS Snooping Proposal
07/06/2021 Toomey Statement on Release of Section 232 Report on Imported Autos
06/09/2021 Toomey Statement on Reported Lifting of National Security Tariffs on EU Steel and Aluminum
04/05/2021 Toomey: A Minimum Global Corporate Income Tax Will Likely Fail and is Non-Binding
03/31/2021 Toomey Statement on Biden's Massive Spend and Tax Binge
02/02/2021 Toomey Statement on Biden Imposing Tariffs on UAE Aluminum
12/12/2019 Two Years Later: Historic Tax Reform Continues to Spur Strong Economic and Job Growth
05/21/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues' Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Tax Cut Law, Lower Taxes on Gold Star Families Passes Senate
05/08/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Tax Cut Law, Lower Taxes on Gold Star Families
03/14/2019 Toomey, Jones Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Spur Storefront Investments
01/07/2019 Toomey Statement on Treasury Guidance for School Choice Scholarship Programs
09/05/2018 Toomey Statement on Treasury Clarification for School Choice Scholarship Programs
07/24/2018 Toomey Statement on Trade War Bailout of Agriculture Industry
01/18/2018 Toomey Statement on Continuing Resolution to Keep Funding the Government
12/04/2017 Finance Committee Republicans Applaud Senate Passage of Historic Tax Reform
11/16/2017 A Tax Plan to Provide Relief for the Middle-Class
11/11/2017 High Praise from Committee Republicans on Senate Tax Plan
11/02/2017 Senator Toomey Statement on House Tax Reform Bill
10/26/2017 Finance Committee Republicans Praise Budget Passage, Paving Way for Tax Reform
09/29/2017 Toomey Statement on Budget Resolution
09/19/2017 Corker, Toomey Statement on Tax Reform
09/19/2017 Corker, Toomey Statement on Tax Reform
04/26/2017 Senator Pat Toomey Applauds President Trump's Tax Proposal
02/28/2017 Senator Toomey's Statement Regarding the President's Address to the Joint Session of Congress

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