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Charlie Crist, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking

Date Title
08/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mark Calabria, Director of Federal Housing Finance Agency - Crist Leads Bipartisan Letter Calling on Fannie and Freddie Regulator to Repeal Trump Refi Tax
11/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Hon. Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Hon. Steve Scalise, Minority Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives - Pascrell, Graves, Crist, Rouzer, Mucarsel-Powell, Rooney Demand Changes to National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization
07/17/2019 Letter to Hugh Frater, CEO of Fannie Mae, and David Brickman, CEO of Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation - Rep. Shalala leads Florida Delegation in Demanding Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Change Florida Condo-Lending Practices
11/15/2018 Letter to the Hon. Joseph Otting, Comptroller of the Currency - New Dems on Banking Committee Issue Recommendations on CRA Modernization to OCC
09/21/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jerome Powell, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Maintain Capital Requirements for Megabanks
03/19/2018 Letter to the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, the Hon. Nita Lowey, the Hon. Tom Graves, and the Hon. Mike Quigley - Funding Request to Support Businesses in Underserved Communities
03/12/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jay Clayton, Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission - Maloney Leads All Financial Services Committee Democrats in Opposing SEC Move to Cut Off Investors' Access to Courts
10/05/2017 Letter to the Hon. Jeb Hensarling, Committee on Financial Services Chairman - Second Hearing on Credit Reporting Failures
04/26/2017 Letter to Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee - Request for Additional Hearing on Wrong Choice Act