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Steve Cohen's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (TN) - District 9

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Date Title
10/07/2022 Congressman Cohen Applauds President Biden's Decision to Pardon All Convicted on Federal Marijuana Possession Charges
01/13/2022 Helsinki Commission Welcomes First Charges Under The Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act
12/22/2021 Congressman Cohen Announces $1.2 Million Grant for Substance Abuse Treatment
11/30/2021 Congressman Cohen Encourages Bipartisan Support for the Nation's Priorities
12/14/2020 Congressman Cohen Votes for the MORE Act
11/20/2019 Congressman Cohen Votes to Advance Marijuana Bill
07/23/2019 Congressman Cohen Cosponsors Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act
01/03/2019 Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Medical Marijuana Bill
01/23/2018 Congressman Cohen Commends Haslam's Opioid Initiative
08/11/2016 Cohen Commends Obama Administration for Lifting Research Barriers on Medical Marijuana, Criticizes DEA for Failing to Reschedule Marijuana
05/17/2016 Congressman Cohen Named to Conference Committee on Opioid Package
06/05/2015 Enewsletter: Helping Eliminate the Memphis Rape Kit Backlog
05/08/2015 Enewsletter: Reducing Infant Mortality in Memphis
05/01/2015 Enewsletter: Addressing the Root Causes of the Baltimore Unrest
04/24/2015 Enewsletter: Helping Memphians Who Are Living in Substandard Public Housing Facilities
04/21/2015 Congressman Cohen Reacts to Reports of DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart's Impending Resignation
04/17/2015 Enewsletter: Leading the Effort to Secure Half a Billion Dollars for Tennessee Hospitals
04/03/2015 Enewsletter: Remembering the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
03/27/2015 Enewsletter: Securing Half a Billion Federal Dollars for Tennessee Hospitals
02/27/2015 Enewsletter: Protecting the Sanctity of the House Chamber
02/20/2015 Reschedule Marijuana
12/18/2014 Cohen Reacts to Presidential Commutation of Non-Violent Memphian's Unjustly Long Prison Sentence
12/12/2014 Enewsletter: Supporting President Obama and Attorney General Holder in Tennessee
08/30/2013 E-Newsletter: The 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
08/29/2013 Cohen Statement on New DOJ Guidelines that Better Protect Businesses and Individuals that Comply with State and Local Marijuana Laws

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