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Steve Cohen's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (TN) - District 9

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Date Title
12/02/2021 Congressman Cohen Mourns "the Loss of the Supreme Court"
10/21/2021 Congressman Cohen Questions Attorney General Garland at Department of Justice Oversight Hearing
09/26/2020 Congressman Cohen Statement on Successor to Justice Ginsburg
09/23/2020 Congressman Cohen Remembers Leo Bearman
09/22/2020 Congressman Cohen Questions Experts on Judicial Independence
09/18/2020 Congressmen Cohen Remembers Justice Ginsburg
07/24/2020 Congressman Cohen Introduces the Citizen Participation Act
07/08/2020 Nadler & Cohen Statement on SCOTUS Decision Weakening Birth Control Protections
06/15/2020 Nadler, Bass & Cohen Statement on SCOTUS Refusal to Re-examine Qualified Immunity
06/15/2020 Nadler & Cohen Statement on SCOTUS Ruling Protecting LGBTQ Workers from Discrimination
02/25/2020 Congressman Cohen's Statement on the Passing of Lawyer James Gilliland
06/27/2019 Congressman Cohen Reacts to Supreme Court Gerrymandering Ruling
01/07/2019 Congressman Cohen Welcomes Haslam's Grant of Clemency for Cyntoia Brown
11/29/2018 Congressman Cohen Will Reintroduce Constitutional Amendment to Limit the President's Pardon Power
10/06/2018 Congressman Cohen Condemns Kavanaugh Confirmation
07/09/2018 Congressman Cohen Opposes Supreme Court Pick
06/27/2018 Congressman Cohen Reacts to Justice Kennedy's Retirement
06/27/2018 Congressman Cohen Condemns Supreme Court's Anti-Union Janus Ruling
02/13/2018 Cohen, Fitzpatrick Vow Bipartisan Opposition to Elimination of Funding for Legal Services Corporation
05/24/2017 Legislation Naming the New Nashville Federal Courthouse in Honor of Fred Thompson Heads to President's Desk
02/08/2017 Judiciary's Conyers, Nadler & Cohen: Trump Placing Blame on the Judiciary for Terrorism & Loss of American Life is Dangerous
01/31/2017 Cohen's Statement on President Trump's Supreme Court Nominee
06/27/2016 Conyers & Cohen Laud Supreme Court Pro-Choice Decision
05/25/2016 Cohen and Shuster Statement on the Release of Journalist Khadija Ismayilova in Azerbaijan
05/05/2016 Congressman Cohen Commends President Obama for Commuting Sentences of 58 Americans Serving Unjustly Long Sentences

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