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Marsha Blackburn's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TN) - Sr

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Date Title
08/11/2021 ICYMI: Blackburn On Fox Business: Tennesseans Don't Want The Green New Deal Or New Mandates
04/01/2021 Blackburn Statement on Biden's "Infrastructure" Plan
12/17/2015 Blackburn Praises Tax Extenders Bill that Includes Sales Tax Deduction for Tennesseans
12/16/2015 Blackburn Achieves Permanent Tax Relief for Tennessee Families
06/19/2015 Newsletter: This Week in Washington 6.19
05/19/2015 Blackburn Calls on IRS to Investigate Clinton Foundation
02/20/2015 Blackburn on Latest Obamacare Follies: "Surprise, Surprise, the Obama Administration still does not have Its Act Together."
01/20/2015 Blackburn Responds to President Obama's State of the Union Address
12/03/2014 Blackburn Votes to Prevent Tax Increase on Hard-Working Americans
07/24/2014 Blackburn Fights for Hard-Working Taxpayers
04/15/2014 Blackburn: "The IRS Has A Credibility Problem'
02/06/2013 Blackburn Statement on House Passage of "Require a PLAN Act"
01/01/2013 Blackburn Rejects Devastating Tax Increases, Calls for Fiscal Sanity
08/01/2012 Blackburn: You Don't Punish The Innovators Who Built It!
04/19/2012 Blackburn: 'It's a Great Day to be Cutting Taxes'
03/27/2012 Blackburn Calls for Repeal of Job-Killing Obamacare
02/17/2012 Blackburn: The American People Are Tired of Broken Promises
12/13/2011 Statement on the Passage of the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act
12/13/2011 Blackburn Statement on the Passage of the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act
12/09/2011 Statement on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act
12/02/2010 Blackburn Supports Real Tax Relief For All Americans Votes Against Democrat Sponsored Half Measure
09/29/2010 Democrats To America: Trust Us On Tax Increase Blackburn Condemns Largest Tax Hike In American History
09/03/2010 Blackburn On Unemployment Report
04/18/2008 Blackburn to Ways and Means Leaders: Make Sales Tax Deductibility Permanent
04/10/2008 Press Conference with House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH); Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO); Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI)' Rep. Adam Putnam (R-FL); Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) - Taxes and the Economy; The Tax Increase Prevention Act

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