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Marsha Blackburn's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TN) - Sr

Date Title
03/03/2021 Blackburn: Colin Kahl is the Wrong Choice
02/14/2021 Blackburn on Donald J. Trump's Acquittal
02/09/2021 Senate Vote on Constitutionality of Impeachment Trial
12/14/2020 Senator Blackburn Welcomes Senator-elect Bill Hagerty to the U.S. Senate
02/05/2020 Blackburn Votes to Acquit President Trump
01/21/2020 Blackburn Statement on the Senate Impeachment Organizing Resolution
01/16/2020 Blackburn: Their Day Job is Senator & Night Job is Presidential Candidate
01/15/2020 Blackburn Calls for Recusal of Democrat Presidential Candidates from the Impeachment Process
01/14/2020 What They Are Saying: VA Secretary, Senate & House VA Committee Members Applaud Sen. Moran's Confirmation as Chairman of the Senate VA Committee
01/06/2020 Inhofe Joins Resolution to Allow Dismissal of "Bogus Impeachment' Against President Trump
05/04/2017 A Health Care Update from Congressman Blackburn
05/02/2017 The First 100 Days
02/16/2016 Select Investigative Panel Issues Subpoenas To Uncooperative Organizations
10/23/2015 Blackburn to Lead New Select Investigative Panel
09/30/2015 Blackburn Supports Scalise for Majority Leader
09/30/2015 Blackburn Supports McHenry for Majority Whip
09/09/2015 Blackburn Statement on House v. Burwell Victory
07/28/2015 Blackburn Supports Small Businesses by Reining in Regulations
06/11/2015 Blackburn: The Facts on TPA
01/06/2015 Blackburn Sworn In to 114th Congress
06/26/2014 Blackburn: NLRB Ruling is a Victory for America's System of Checks and Balances
01/23/2013 Blackburn Statement on House Passage of the "No Budget, No Pay Act"
03/18/2008 Appropriations Deadline to Pass With No Blackburn Earmarks