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Marsha Blackburn's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TN) - Sr

Date Title
07/15/2022 Inhofe, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Protect Crude Oil Reserves from Foreign Adversaries
11/01/2021 Democrats Block Blackburn, Scott, Colleagues Transparency Proposal To Address Rising Energy Prices
03/31/2021 Blackburn, Scott Lead Colleagues in Introducing Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act
03/31/2021 Capito Joins Colleagues to Introduce Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act
03/13/2015 Blackburn, Schrader Introduce Energy Savings & Building Efficiency Act
09/18/2014 Blackburn Supports Solutions to Spur Economic Growth, Create Jobs, and Make Energy More Affordable for Hard-Working American Families
07/09/2014 Reps. Blackburn & Schrader Introduce Energy Savings and Building Efficiency Act
07/10/2013 Red Tape Rollback Victory -- Blackburn, Rokita Fight Back Against Destructive Obama Ceiling Fan Regulation
06/25/2013 Energy and Commerce Leaders Respond to President's Climate Regulations and Initiatives
01/08/2013 Blackburn to Introduce Legislation to Prevent Foreign Acquisitions of Taxpayer-Funded Research
09/21/2012 Committee Members Put Jobs First, Rally Support to Stop the War on Coal
04/27/2012 Energy and Commerce Leaders Investigate Whether EPA Official's Enforcement "Philosophy" to "Crucify" American Energy Companies Resulted in Abuse of Public Trust
03/29/2012 Blackburn Introduces Legislation to CHOP DOE & EPA
07/11/2011 Light Bulb Ban Repeal Hits House Floor
04/07/2011 Blackburn Energy Priority Clears House
01/06/2011 Barton Leads Republican Effort to Repeal Light Bulb Ban
09/30/2009 Blackburn Reacts To Proposed EPA Rules
06/26/2009 Blackburn Will Vote No On Energy Tax
05/21/2009 Blackburn Votes No On Cap And Tax
09/16/2008 Blackburn Denounces Another Sham "No-Energy" Energy Bill
08/21/2008 Blackburn Statement on TVA Rate Hike
05/21/2008 Blackburn Leads Charge Against High Gas Prices
02/27/2008 Blackburn On Democrat Energy Bill "Democrats Have...A Gift For Making Expensive Energy More Expensive"
07/11/2007 Blackburn: "Liberal Leadership Guts Energy from Energy Bill"
06/06/2007 Blackburn, GOP Conference Unveil 21st Century Energy Plan