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Marsha Blackburn's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TN) - Sr

Date Title
02/22/2022 Blackburn, Rick Scott, Colleagues: TRUCKERS Act Will End Vaccine Mandates for International Truck Drivers
02/14/2022 Blackburn, Rubio, Tenney Introduce Bill to Expose CCP Influence on Publicly Traded Companies
02/04/2022 Blackburn & Blumenthal's Antitrust Legislation To Promote App Store Competition Advances To The Senate Floor
01/05/2022 Blackburn, Peters Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Streamline Federal Manufacturing Support Programs
12/14/2021 Blackburn Votes Against Raising Debt Ceiling
12/14/2021 Blackburn Leads Colleagues To Stop The Left's Inflationary Spending Spree
12/13/2021 ICYMI: Blackburn Calls Out Instagram On CNBC'S Closing Bell
12/01/2021 Blackburn Warns Of Democrat Debt Disaster
11/22/2021 Blackburn Introduces Legislation To Improve Tennessee Supply Chains
12/29/2020 Blackburn Statement on Telecommunications Networks After Nashville Bombing
04/16/2020 NamedBlackburn Named to President Trump's Task Force on the Re-Opening of America
08/01/2019 Senator Blackburn's Statement on Budget Vote
05/23/2019 McSally, Fellow Female Senators Talk Paid Leave with Ivanka Trump
09/12/2017 Blackburn statement on US debt reaching $20 trillion
04/02/2014 Blackburn: Republican Budget Puts Hard-Working Taxpayers Back In Control
04/01/2014 Blackburn Advocates for Republican Plan to Balance Budget
01/25/2014 Blackburn Statement on President Obama's Upcoming Visit to Tennessee
07/30/2013 Blackburn Statement on President Obama's Visit to Tennessee
07/24/2013 Blackburn: People are Tired of Talk; They Want Action
03/08/2012 Blackburn Statement in Support of the JOBS Act
02/01/2012 Blackburn Votes To Repeal CLASS Act
09/23/2011 Blackburn Introduces Spending Freeze Bill
08/01/2011 Blackburn Votes to Chart New Course for Fiscal Responsibility
01/27/2010 Blackburn Comments On State Of The Union Address
11/06/2009 Blackburn Reacts To 10.2% Unemployment