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Marsha Blackburn's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TN) - Sr

Date Title
06/14/2023 Wyden, Crapo, Menendez, Blackburn, Tester and Marshall Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reform PBMs and Bring Down the Cost of Prescription Drugs
02/04/2021 Blackburn Seeks to Protect Medicaid block grants for Tennessee
02/02/2016 Blackburn Votes to Override the President's Veto of Obamacare Repeal
01/06/2016 Blackburn: Obamacare is Hurting People and Congress has Responded
06/25/2015 Blackburn Reacts to King v. Burwell Ruling
06/18/2015 Blackburn Supports Effort to Protect Medical Innovation
03/03/2015 Sen. Cruz Introduces the Health Care Choice Act
09/16/2014 Nonpartisan, Independent Watchdog Demonstrates Obamacare Uses Taxpayer Dollars for Abortion Coverage
05/16/2014 Franks, 42 Colleagues File Court Brief to Overturn Obamacare for Violating Origination Clause
04/02/2014 Blackburn Works to Protect Access to Quality Medical Care for Tennessee's Most Vulnerable
02/04/2014 Following Annual Check Up, Non-Partisan CBO Delivers Devastating Diagnosis Regarding Obamacare's Effect On Jobs and the Economy
01/16/2014 House Demands Transparency for Health Care Law Exchanges
01/10/2014 Veto-Proof Majority of House Votes in Favor of Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act
12/20/2013 Upton: "The Health Law is Like a Jenga Game -- The Administration Keeps Yanking Out Pieces, and Ultimately, Nothing Can Keep It From Collapsing."
11/12/2013 Franks, 39 Colleagues File Court Brief to Overturn Obamacare for Violating Clause of the Constitution
09/18/2013 Blackburn Unveils American Health Care Reform Act
08/01/2013 Top Administration Health Official Has Only Heard "Isolated Incidents" of Impact of Employer Mandate
07/26/2013 Blackburn Introduces Legislation To Delay Obamacare For One Year
07/18/2013 RWPC Members Vote to Delay Obamacare Implementation
07/17/2013 Blackburn Votes to Delay Obamacare Mandates for All Americans
07/09/2013 Blackburn, Energy and Commerce Committee Leaders Expand Investigation into Status of Obamacare Implementation
04/24/2012 Energy and Commerce Leaders Seek Information on Potential Cost to Taxpayers in CO-OP Program
11/19/2009 Blackburn Votes No On "DocFix"