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Bob Casey, Jr.'s Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (PA) - Sr

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Date Title
09/22/2022 Casey, Scott Hold Hearing, Release Fraud Book Amidst Heightened Reports of Senior Scams
08/24/2022 Biden Administration is announcing cancellation of $10,000 of student debt for low- to middle-income borrowers; up to $20,000 for students who received Pell Grants
08/07/2022 Casey Applauds Senate Passage of Inflation Reduction Act, Historic Bill to Lower Costs for Families and Tackle Climate Crisis
08/03/2022 Casey, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Invest in Children's Mental Health
08/03/2022 Casey Applauds Overwhelming Senate Ratification of NATO Treaty to Admit Sweden and Finland
08/02/2022 Casey Statement on Senate Passage of Veterans Health Care Bill
08/01/2022 Senator Casey Statement on the Killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri
07/27/2022 Boozman, Senators Introduce Global Food Security Legislation
07/25/2022 Casey Introduces Suite of Legislation to Enable Americans with Disabilities to Run for and Serve in Elected Office
07/19/2022 Casey Introduces Bill to Advance American Steel Competitiveness
06/24/2022 Casey Statement on Supreme Court Overturning Roe
06/23/2022 Casey, Cassidy Introduce Bill to Improve Mental Health Care Access for Kids
06/22/2022 Senator Casey, Congresswoman Dean Introduce the Public and Federally Assisted Housing Fire Safety Act
06/22/2022 Casey, Duckworth Introduce Bill to Help More Seniors and Disabled Americans Live Independent Lives
06/16/2022 Casey Applauds Senate Passage of Historic Bill to Provide Health Care to Veterans Exposed to Toxic Burn Pits
06/13/2022 Casey, Cornyn, DeLauro, Pascrell, McCaul, Fitzpatrick, Spartz Statement on National Critical Capabilities Committee Proposal
06/08/2022 Casey, Cárdenas Introduce Legislation to Limit Youth Incarceration
05/20/2022 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office - Murray, Duckworth, Colleagues Call for GAO Study into the Barriers Americans with Disabilities Face Accessing Healthcare
05/20/2022 Casey, Wild, Fitzpatrick Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Promote Inclusive Emergency Preparedness Protocols in Schools
05/19/2022 Casey, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Empower FDA to Get Infant Formula Back on Shelves, Prevent Future Shortages
05/12/2022 Senators Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Union Busting
05/12/2022 Casey Applauds White House on Steps to Address Infant Formula Shortage
05/12/2022 Van Hollen, Casey, Wyden Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Corporate Union Busting
05/11/2022 Casey, Klobuchar, Blumenthal Bill to Prevent Furniture Tip-Over Injury and Death Passes Commerce Committee
05/03/2022 Casey Statement on Leaked Supreme Court Decision

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