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Bob Casey, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Family


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (PA) - Sr

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Date Title
09/13/2023 NEWS: Murray, Sanders, Clark, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Extend Vital Child Care Funding and Save Millions of Families' Child Care Spots as Funding Cliff Looms
09/07/2023 Casey-led Legislation to Prevent Furniture Tip-Over Injury and Death Takes Effect
09/30/2022 Casey, Klobuchar, Blumenthal Bill to Prevent Furniture Tip-Over Injury and Death Passes Senate
08/03/2022 Casey, Portman Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Invest in Children's Mental Health
06/23/2022 Casey, Cassidy Introduce Bill to Improve Mental Health Care Access for Kids
06/08/2022 Casey, Cárdenas Introduce Legislation to Limit Youth Incarceration
08/11/2021 Casey: Senate Has Cleared Hurdle to Pass Legislation That Will Invest In American Families
07/14/2021 Wyden Co-sponsors Legislation to Support Direct Care Workforce and Family Caregivers
07/01/2021 Sánchez, Katko, and Takano Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Anti-Bullying Legislation
06/29/2021 Wyden Introduces Children's Savings Accounts to Invest in Economic Future of Nation's Children
06/25/2021 Wyden, Merkley Unveil Key Legislation to Make Historic Investment in Care Economy
06/09/2021 Casey's proposal would include automatic Medicaid enrollment for all children at birth, establishment of children's savings accounts
05/26/2021 Wyden, Warren, Brown, Casey, Smith Introduce New Bill to Build Child Care Infrastructure and Availability
05/12/2021 More than 2.6 million children in the U.S. are being raised by grandparents and other relatives
04/26/2021 Murkowski, Casey Introduce Bill to Support Survivors of Domestic Violence
03/24/2021 Collins, Casey Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Nutrition Assistance for Children and Mothers
03/18/2021 Sánchez, DeLauro, González-Cólon, Schrier, Young Introduce Bipartisan Wise Investment in Children Act, Urge Congress to Expand Eligibility for WIC
03/12/2021 Legislation Would Bolster Efforts by Child Protective Services and Non-Profits to Help Families Under Stress During Pandemic
03/11/2021 Baldwin, Casey, Brown Introduce Bill That Would Build on American Rescue Plan and Help Reduce Child Poverty
02/25/2021 Casey, Klobuchar, Blumenthal, Rep. Schakowsky Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Protect Children from Falling Furniture
02/24/2021 Schakowsky, Casey Introduce Legislation to Protect Children From Furniture Tip-Overs
02/09/2021 Casey, Murray and Wyden Introduce Bill to Reduce Cost of Child Care for Middle Class Families
02/08/2021 Duckworth, Cramer, Casey Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Help Families with Diaper Needs
02/03/2021 Senators Young, Casey, Capito Re-Introduce Bill to Support Child Care Workforce
01/13/2021 Senators Casey, Hassan, Cassidy Request Review of Higher Education Resources and Access for Students with Disabilities

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