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Sheldon Whitehouse's Public Statements

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Date Title
01/30/2008 Afternoon Session of a Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice
01/30/2008 Afternoon Session of a Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice
01/25/2008 Hearing of the Senate Budget Committee: Congressional Budget Office Budget and Economic Outlook
01/24/2008 Hearing of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee: Oversight of EPA's Decision to Deny the California Waiver (Panel I)
12/19/2007 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Nomination of Mark Filip to be Deputy Attorney General
11/13/2007 Hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence- Congressional Oversight
10/31/2007 Hearing of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Panel I - FISA Amendments
10/23/2007 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works - Examining the Human Health Impacts of Global Warming
10/23/2007 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works - Examining the Human Health Impacts of Global Warming Panel II
10/23/2007 Hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Panel 1- Strategic Planning of Intelligence Functions and the Pace of Intelligence Reform at the FBI
10/23/2007 Hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence- Strategic Planning of Intelligence Functions and the Pace of Intelligence Reform at the FBI
10/18/2007 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee Morning Session - Continuation of Executive Nomination of Michael Mukasey to be Attorney General of the U.S.
10/17/2007 Hearing of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Panel II- Nomination of Michael Mukasey to be Attorney General of the United States
09/25/2007 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Strengthening FISA: Does the Protect America Act Protect Americans' Civil Liberties and Enhance Security?
07/31/2007 Anti-Global Warming Measure Passes Senate Committee
05/16/2007 MSNBC Hardball-Transcript
03/29/2007 MSNBC Hardball-Transcript
03/22/2007 Interview With National Journal-Transcript

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