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Sheldon Whitehouse's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (RI) - Jr

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Date Title
07/23/2020 Rep. Gomez, Senators Whitehouse and Reed Introduce Legislation to Support State Paid Leave Programs During COVID-19 Crisis
05/22/2020 Whitehouse & Schatz Introduce Legislation to Create Massive Jobs Program to Hire, Train Up to 1.5 Million Worker to Fight COVID-19, Help States Safely Reopen
04/16/2020 RI Gets $2.3 Million CARES Act Grant to Boost Workforce & Help Dislocated Workers
04/03/2020 Whitehouse Office Available to Assist RI Small Business with SBA Loans
03/22/2020 Whitehouse Statement on Coronavirus Package Procedural Vote
06/27/2019 One Year Since Janus Decision, Senators Hirono, Stabenow, Whitehouse Release Report on Status of Workers' Rights
06/11/2019 Senators Markey, Carper, Collins, and Whitehouse Introduce Legislation to Expand Offshore Wind Educational and Career Training
03/29/2019 Inhofe, Whitehouse Introduce Bill to Train Next Generation of Manufacturing Workforce
03/25/2019 Whitehouse Unveils Bill to Train Next Generation of Manufacturing Workforce
01/25/2019 Whitehouse Statement on Deal to End Tump Shutdown
01/24/2019 Whitehouse Statement on Government Funding Votes
01/14/2019 Congressional Delegation Joins Unpaid Federal Employees to Call for End to Trump Shutdown
01/08/2019 Whitehouse Statement on President Trump's Immigration Address
06/27/2018 Whitehouse Statement on SCOTUS Janus Decision
07/27/2017 Whitehouse Statement On Justice Department Argument Against Protections For LGBT Workers
02/15/2017 Whitehouse Statement On Puzder Withdrawing Nomination
12/08/2016 Whitehouse Statement On Trump's Selection Of Fast Food CEO Puzder For Labor Secretary
05/23/2015 Sen. Whitehouse: Short-Term Highway Bill Another Missed Opportunity
01/20/2015 Sen. Whitehouse Reaction to State of the Union Address
06/30/2014 Sen. Whitehouse Statement on Hobby Lobby Decision
04/09/2014 Senate Republicans Block Debate on Paycheck Fairness Act
11/07/2013 Sen. Whitehouse Statement on Passage of ENDA
02/28/2013 Lawmakers Introduce Targeted Wall Street Trading Tax
10/16/2012 Buffett Rule
12/17/2011 Whitehouse Statement on Deal to Maintain Unemployment Benefits and Payroll Tax Cut

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