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Sheldon Whitehouse's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (RI) - Jr

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Date Title
03/26/2021 Scott, Hirono, Capito, Whitehouse Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase Seniors' Access to All CDC-Recommended Vaccines
03/17/2021 Whitehouse Highlights American Rescue Plan Provisions to Protect Nursing Home Residents and Workers
02/24/2021 Whitehouse Introduces Legislation to Protect Nursing Home Residents and Workers
09/22/2020 RI Awarded $300,000 BOLD Grant to Support & Improve Alzheimer's Care
06/26/2019 Capito, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Access to Shingles, Tdap Vaccines
02/23/2018 Whitehouse, Langevin Vow to Defend Medicare, Medicaid from Radical Trump Cuts
05/17/2017 Senate Passes Whitehouse-Cassidy Resolution Declaring May 15-19 National Senior Corps Week
03/31/2017 As Health Care Debate Shifts, Senators Reed And Whitehouse Join New Effort To Bring Down Prescription Drug Prices
06/23/2016 Senators Collins, Whitehouse Hold Hearing on Care Models that Relieve Suffering, Respect Patients' Choices in the Face of Serious Illnesses
04/28/2016 Rhode Island Earns Federal Support for Innovative New Program to Improve Care for Elders and Adults with Disabilities
04/07/2016 Blumenthal, Whitehouse, Franken, Casey Introduce Elder Protection and Abuse Prevention Act
07/31/2015 Whitehouse, Langevin, & Cicilline Mark 50 Years of Medicare & Medicaid in Rhode Island
07/22/2015 New GAO Report Finds Serious Vulnerabilities to Waste and Fraud with Medicare Provider List
03/23/2015 Whitehouse and Langevin Fighting to Protect Social Security Disability Benefits
02/25/2015 Over 16,000 RIers Benefitted from Obamacare's Medicare "Doughnut Hole" Fix in 2014
01/26/2015 New Obama Administration Goals for Medicare Mirror Sen. Whitehouse Recommendations
01/22/2015 Sen. Whitehouse and Rep. Neal Introduce Retirement Savings Bill
03/24/2014 Nearly 14,000 RIers Benefitted from Obamacare's Medicare "Doughnut Hole" Fix in 2013
01/16/2014 Baucus, Harkin, Whitehouse Highlight GAO Report Showing Coverage Before Medicare Is Key to Lower Costs
12/17/2013 Rhode Island Seniors Continue Benefitting from Health Care Law
12/16/2013 Whitehouse Hosts Meeting with National Coalition to Highlight Rhode Island Leadership on Advanced Illness Care
09/27/2013 Reed and Whitehouse Work to Avert Government Shutdown
04/24/2013 Whitehouse Cosponsors Resolution Opposing Cuts to Social Security
03/13/2013 Whitehouse Statement on Senate Democrats' Budget
03/07/2013 Whitehouse Cosponsors Bill to Strengthen Social Security

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