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Mark Takai's Public Statements


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Date Title
05/18/2015 Hawai'i Delegation Announces $2.8 Million to Support Housing Opportunities for Those Living with HIV/AIDS
05/14/2015 Takai Passes Amendment to Help Servicemembers Receive Maritime Accreditations for Training Acquired in the Armed Forces
05/12/2015 Hawaii Delegation Fights to Restore Medicaid Access for COFA Migrants with New Legislation
05/07/2015 Hawai'i Delegation Announces $1.5 Million in Research Funding for University of Hawai'i
05/04/2015 Freshman Takai Named Lead Democrat on Contracting and the Workforce Subcommittee
04/30/2015 Takai Backs Measure to Raise the Minimum Wage
04/27/2015 Hawaii House Delegation Statement on Defense Authoriztion Bill
04/23/2015 Takai Praises President Obama's Upskill Initiative
04/22/2015 Takai Introduces Legislation to Modernize the U.S. Postal Service Fleet
04/20/2015 Hawaii Delegation Announces $1.2 Million for Homeless Veterans Housing Program
03/31/2015 Takai Discusses President Obama's Statement on the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission
03/31/2015 Hawaii Delegation Honors Dedication of Honouliuli National Monument
03/24/2015 Takai Joins House Democrats in Commemorating 5th Year Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act
03/24/2015 Hawai'i Delegation Introduces Resolutions to Recognize Hawaiian Colonists in the Pacific
03/24/2015 Gabbard/Takai-Backed Legislation Reauthorizing Native Hawaiian Housing Assistance Passes House
03/19/2015 Representatives Gabbard And Perry Launch Congressional Post-9/11 Veterans Caucus On 12th Anniversary of Iraq War
03/19/2015 Hawai'i Delegation Announces $3.3 Million in Funding for Conservation Efforts
03/18/2015 Takai Offers Measure to Bar Environmental Criminals from EPA Research
03/16/2015 Rep. Takai Urges Veterans to Volunteer with Oahu's Veterans Treatment Court
03/13/2015 Rep. Takai to Give President Obama Input from Hawaii Groups on Military Compensation, Retirement Proposals
03/13/2015 Hirono & Reid Stand up for Families of Filipino World War II Veterans
03/11/2015 Hawaii Delegation Announces $47 Million In Education Funding For Local Schools
03/10/2015 Takai Meets with Selma Marcher and Asian American Activist
03/07/2015 Rep. Takai Carries Lei, Aloha Spirit to 'Bloody Sunday' 50th Anniversary in Selma, Ala.
03/05/2015 Hirono & Takai to Travel to Alabama for 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday

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