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Mark Pocan's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WI) - District 2

Date Title
08/23/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Quigley Leads Letter Urging Administration to End Discriminatory Military Policy
06/08/2020 Escobar, Omar, Jayapal, Pocan Introduce Bill to Restrict the President's Ability to Use Military Forces Domestically
07/12/2019 Pocan Applauds House Passage of Amendment to Restore Honor to Service Members Discharged Due to Sexual Orientation
06/27/2019 Gillibrand and Schatz Announce "Restore Honor to Service Members Act" To Clear Discriminatory Records of Service Members Discharged Due To Sexual Orientation
07/15/2015 Rep. Pocan, Rangel & Sen. Schatz, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation To Correct Record Of Service Members Discharged Due To Sexual Orientation
01/13/2015 Republicans Block Pocan Amendment to Regulatory Accountability Act of 2015
01/30/2014 Pocan & Rangel Applaud Senate Introduction of Restore Honor to Service Members Act
09/23/2013 64 Members of Congress, Led by Congressman Dan Kildee, Call on Iran to Release Amir Hekmati As U.N. General Assembly Starts
07/25/2013 Pocan & Rangel Introduce Bipartisan Restore Honor to Service Members Act for Gay Veterans Discharged due to Sexual Orientation
06/19/2013 Pocan & Rangel Announce Legislation to Correct Records of 114,000 Gay Veterans Discharged because of their Sexual Orientation
02/25/2013 Four Days to Go: Congressman Pocan Highlights Severe Impact to Wisconsin Communities if Automatic Spending Cuts Take Place
02/14/2013 Congressman Pocan Co-Sponsors Bill to Ensure Equal Treatment for Military Spouses