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Mark Pocan's Public Statements on Issue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WI) - District 2

Date Title
02/25/2022 Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus Recognizes One-Year Anniversary of House Passage of Equality Act, Urges Senate Action
05/20/2020 Rep. Grijalva and Sens. Menendez, Baldwin Lead Bicameral Push for the Trump Admin to Start Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity during the COVID-19 Pandemic
06/26/2019 Senators Schatz, Gillibrand & Representatives Pocan, Hil Reintroduce Legislation to Restore Honor to Service members Discharged Due to Sexual Orientation
05/15/2019 Murray, Baldwin, Pocan Introduce Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act
01/17/2019 Pocan Introduces the 21st Century President Act to Clarify that Women and LGBTQ Americans Can Be President
12/05/2017 Pocan Statement on Oral Arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
07/26/2017 Pocan Statement on Trump Banning Transgender Americans from Serving in the Military
03/08/2016 Rebecca Bradley's Non-Apology Apology Not Accepted
11/05/2015 As Veterans Day Approaches Sen. Schatz & Reps. Pocan, Rangel Urge Congress to Pass Restore Honor to Service Members Act
06/26/2015 Pocan Statement on Marriage Equality Ruling
04/28/2015 Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Consideration of Same-Sex Marriage Cases
04/17/2015 Pocan Calls on Governor Walker to Withdraw from Western Conservatives Summit Over Discriminatory Actions
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
10/06/2014 Pocan Statement on End of Same-Sex Marriage Ban in Wisconsin
09/04/2014 Pocan Statement on Appeals Court Ruling on Wisconsin Gay Marriage Ban
06/16/2014 Pocan Statement on Presidential Executive Order Protecting LGBT Employees of Federal Contractors
06/09/2014 Pocan Statement on Appeal of Wisconsin Gay Marriage Ban
06/06/2014 Pocan Statement on Federal Court Ruling on Wisconsin Gay Marriage Ban
06/24/2013 Blog: Standing Up for Equality with NOH8 On The Hill Campaign
04/25/2013 Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus Praises Re-Introduction Of Employment Non-Discrimination Act
03/08/2013 Pocan Attends Presidential Signing of Violence Against Women Act