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Mark Pocan's Public Statements on Issue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WI) - District 2

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Date Title
09/22/2023 On Anniversary of Tyler Clementi's 2010 Death, Baldwin, Murray Pocan Renew Push to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
09/22/2023 As Bullying on Campus Remains Widespread--Particularly for LGBTQ+ Students--Murray, Baldwin, Pocan Renew Push to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
06/21/2022 Pocan's 21st Century President Act Passes House
06/14/2021 Levin, Chu Reintroduce Legislation Giving Same-Sex Couples Fair Treatment Under Tax Law
09/24/2019 Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman Introduces Resolution Recognizing September as "National Suicide Prevention Month"
06/26/2018 Reps. Murphy, Ros-Lehtinen, and Pocan Honor LGBT Job Creators During Pride Month
06/15/2017 Reintroduce Legislation To Restore Honor To Service Members Discharged Due To Sexual Orientation
04/28/2017 As LGBTQ Students, Schools Grapple with "Trump Effect," Baldwin, Murray, Pocan Redouble Efforts to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
03/02/2017 Quigley and House LGBT Caucus Announce Re-Launch of Transgender Equality Task Force
07/23/2015 Pocan Says Equality Act will Protect Individuals from Discrimination in All Areas of Society
07/15/2015 Rep. Pocan, Rangel & Sen. Schatz, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation To Correct Record Of Service Members Discharged Due To Sexual Orientation
01/07/2015 Pocan Cosponsors the Respect for Marriage Act
01/30/2014 Pocan & Rangel Applaud Senate Introduction of Restore Honor to Service Members Act
11/15/2013 Rep. Al Green Introduces Resolution Encouraging the Celebration of the Month of June as LGBT Pride Month
11/07/2013 Pocan Applauds Senate Passage of ENDA & Calls on Speaker Boehner to Bring Bill Up for a Vote
11/04/2013 Pocan Statement on Senate ENDA Vote
09/19/2013 Pocan, Ros-Lehtinen, Connolly Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Ensure Equal Rights & Protections for all LGBT Federal Employees
08/29/2013 Pocan Applauds Department of Treasury's Decision to Recognize all Same-Sex Marriages
08/01/2013 Mark Pocan and Gwen Moore Introduce Runaway and Homeless Youth Inclusion Act
08/01/2013 Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan Introduce Runaway and Homeless Youth Inclusion Act
07/25/2013 Pocan & Rangel Introduce Bipartisan Restore Honor to Service Members Act for Gay Veterans Discharged due to Sexual Orientation
07/10/2013 Pocan Applauds Bipartisan Senate Committee Vote on ENDA
06/26/2013 Pocan Lauds Supreme Court's Decision to Recognize Love & Equality and Strike Down DOMA
06/19/2013 Pocan & Rangel Announce Legislation to Correct Records of 114,000 Gay Veterans Discharged because of their Sexual Orientation
04/25/2013 Pocan & Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus Praise Re-Introduction of Employment Non-Discrimination Act

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