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Mark Pocan's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (WI) - District 2

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Date Title
09/22/2023 As Bullying on Campus Remains Widespread--Particularly for LGBTQ+ Students--Murray, Baldwin, Pocan Renew Push to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
09/22/2023 On Anniversary of Tyler Clementi's 2010 Death, Baldwin, Murray Pocan Renew Push to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
06/07/2023 Schatz, Pocan Reintroduce Legislation To End Student Loan Debt Crisis
10/13/2022 Pocan, Khanna Introduce Bill to Strengthen Medicare, Define Alternative Plans
09/29/2022 Pocan Introduces Bills to Create National Museum of American LGBTQ+ History and Culture
09/21/2022 Pocan Introduces Constitutional Amendment Guaranteeing Right to Vote
09/15/2022 Pocan Statement on Tentative Rail Agreement
08/23/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Quigley Leads Letter Urging Administration to End Discriminatory Military Policy
08/12/2022 Pocan, House Democrats Send Inflation Reduction Act to President's Desk
08/01/2022 Letter to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - DelBene, Huffman Call on IRS to Review Tax-Exempt "Church Status' for Known Hate Group
07/14/2022 Reps. Pocan, Lee Issue Statement on House Vote to Reduce Defense Budget
06/22/2022 Pocan Introduces Bipartisan National Scenic Trails Parity Act
06/21/2022 Pocan's 21st Century President Act Passes House
06/17/2022 Tiffany Joins Wisconsin Delegation on Bipartisan Hmong Congressional Gold Medal Act
06/13/2022 Reps. Lee and Pocan Introduce Bill to Cut Defense Spending by $100 Billion and Prioritize People Over the Pentagon
06/08/2022 Pocan Takes Action on Gun Violence
05/30/2022 Pocan's 15 Earmarks Passed by Committee
02/10/2022 The Hon. Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - 92 Representatives Urge EPA To Adopt Strengthened Methane Rules
01/27/2022 Rep. Wild Leads Call for Action Against Philippines Human Rights Violations
09/27/2021 Pocan on MSNBC to Discuss Build Back Better Agenda
09/23/2021 Pocan Statement on Voting Against the NDAA
09/22/2021 Pocan Statement on His Meeting with President Biden
09/22/2021 Pocan, Murray, Baldwin Reintroduce Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act to Address Campus Bullying and Harassment
09/18/2021 Pocan Introduces The "COVID Defense Act" to Direct Just Over 1 Percent of Pentagon Spending Towards Vaccinating 30% of the World's Poorest Populations
09/10/2021 Pocan on MSNBC

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