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Paul Ryan's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

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Date Title
12/07/2011 Fox News "Your World with Cavuto" - Transcript
11/30/2011 MSNBC "Andrea Mitchell Reports" - Transcript
11/17/2011 Investor's Business Daily - Inequality, Opportunity and The American Idea
10/06/2011 Letter to Patrick O'Carroll Jr., Inspector General Social Security Administration
07/14/2011 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript
07/13/2011 Hearing of the House Budget Committee - Medicare and Social Security: The Fiscal Facts
07/12/2011 Hearing of the House Budget Committee - The Future of Medicare: An Examination of the Independent Payment Advisory Board
06/20/2011 CNBC-Washington Needs to Spend Less, Not Tax More
06/14/2011 Sessions & Ryan Demand President Uphold Obligation To Law And To Seniors
06/14/2011 Sessions & Ryan Demand President Uphold Obligation To Law And To Seniors
06/12/2011 CBS "Face the Nation" - Transcript
05/25/2011 The Facts on Medicare and How to Save It
05/15/2011 CNN "State of the Union with Candy Crowley" - Transcript
05/01/2011 ABC "This Week with Christiane Amanpour" - Transcript
04/10/2011 NBC "Meet the Press" - Transcript
04/03/2011 Fox News "Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace" - Transcript
03/31/2011 Cooper, Ryan Introduce MedInfo Act
03/01/2011 Paul Ryan: Administration Fails to Lead Again on Entitlement Reform
03/01/2011 Paul Ryan: Administration Fails to Lead Again on Entitlement Reform
02/16/2011 Washington Post - Obama Defends Budget's Deficit-Cutting Measures
02/09/2011 Public Employee Pension Transparency
08/07/2010 Op-Ed- Krugman's detour on 'Roadmap' to solvency
06/24/2010 Op-Ed: A Road Map To America's Future
04/09/2010 The American Spectator - The Man With The Plan
03/03/2010 MSNBC "Hardball With Chris Matthews" - Transcript

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