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Blanche Lincoln's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

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Date Title
04/12/2006 Grassley, Baucus, Colleagues Express Concern Over Proposed Payment Changes for Short-term Stays in Long-term Care Hospitals
02/09/2006 Lincoln: Bush's Budget Neglects Rural America
02/08/2006 Lincoln Criticizes President for Including Social Security Privatization in 2007 Budget
01/31/2006 Senator Blanche Lincoln's Reaction to President Bush's State of the Union Address
11/07/2005 Medicare Bad Debt Policy
07/21/2005 Lincoln Helps Introduce Effort to Benefit Pulmonary and Cardiac Medicare Patients
05/20/2005 Executive Session
05/13/2005 Remarks at Hearing on President Bush's Social Security Reform Plan Involving Private Accounts
04/28/2005 Building Assets for Low-Income Families
04/26/2005 Lincoln at First Social Security Hearing: 'Solution Shouldn't be Worse than Problem'
03/15/2005 Hearing of the Special Committee on Aging on Exploring the Economics of Retirement
02/03/2005 Hardball With Chris Matthews - Transcript
02/02/2005 Lincoln's Statement on President Bush's State of the Union Address
08/27/2004 Lincoln Reacts to Greenspan Remarks
07/07/2004 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Nominations
09/09/2003 Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Homeland Security and Terrorism Threats From Document Fraud, Identity Theft and Social Security Number Misuse
05/16/2003 Weekly e-Newsletter from Senator Zell Miller
03/17/2003 Opening Up Access to Diabetes Screening
03/11/2003 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions S599
02/27/2003 Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on Medicare
02/27/2003 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions S493
02/12/2003 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions S275
02/03/2003 President's Budget Would Cut Programs Critical to State
01/15/2003 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions S166
Issue Position: Senior Citizens and Social Security

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