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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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09/28/2022 Tweet - "I join the American people in praying for the millions of Floridians bracing for #HurricaneIan -- including the heroic first responders keeping families safe on the ground."
09/28/2022 Tweet - "This is an historic and joyous victory for the California farm workers who keep us fed!"
09/26/2022 Tweet - "As MAGA Republicans continue their attacks on women's reproductive health, @HouseDemocrats passed the Right to Contraception Act to ensure contraception remains legal & accessible. On #WorldContraceptionDay, Democrats remain committed to fighting for freedom & basic health care."
09/25/2022 Tweet - "Nationwide abortion ban. Higher drug prices. Attacks on Democracy. This is what @HouseGOP 's extreme #CommitmentToMAGA agenda means for America's families. But @HouseDemocrats are fighting for lower costs, better-paying jobs & safer communities -- putting #PeopleOverPolitics."
09/23/2022 Tweet - ". @HouseDemocrats ' #InflationReductionAct delivers historic action to lower prescription drug prices for America's seniors. But @HouseGOP 's Extreme MAGA Agenda will repeal those lower costs -- hiking prices on seniors to give billions back to Big Pharma."
09/22/2022 Tweet - "The courageous voices of the Iranian people are being heard around the world. The United States Congress joins them in mourning the horrific death of Mahsa Amini. Tehran must end its violent, systematic campaign of abuse against women and girls. #مهسا_امینی"
09/22/2022 Tweet - "Yesterday, I welcomed Her Excellency, Prime Minister @KatrinJak of Iceland, to the United States Capitol. We discussed our mutual efforts to advance transatlantic security, address the climate crisis and increase opportunities for women and families in the U.S. and Iceland."
09/21/2022 Tweet - "Today, I spoke on the House Floor on the Presidential Election Reform Act, bipartisan and historic legislative action to safeguard the integrity of future presidential elections, stand up for the rule of law and pass on a vibrant Democracy for generations to come."
09/19/2022 Tweet - "Congress & the country hold our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico in our hearts & prayers in the wake of Hurricane Fiona - which hits just 5 years after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. We commend @POTUS for swiftly announcing an Emergency Disaster Declaration for Puerto Rico."
09/18/2022 Tweet - "Today, our delegation was deeply honored to join @AlenSimonyan to lay a wreath at Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial and pray for the 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children murdered in the genocide."
09/12/2022 Tweet - "It is outrageous that, six decades after Griswold was decided, women must again fight against a radical Republican Party just to use birth control. @HouseDemocrats passed our Right to Contraception Act to protect this freedom -- but @HouseGOP overwhelmingly voted NO."
09/10/2022 Tweet - "Republicans want to gut Social Security and Medicare -- threatening seniors' health and financial security. Democrats will never relent in defending the right to a secure retirement. With our #InflationReductionAct, we are proudly bringing down health costs for our seniors."
09/06/2022 Tweet - "The Republican-stacked Supreme Court overturning Roe opened the door to more right-wing attacks on women -- including our right to contraception. No one should be denied access to birth control. @HouseDemocrats ' Right to Contraception Act protects this fundamental freedom."
09/03/2022 Tweet - "Thanks to @POTUS and @HouseDemocrats commitment to #MakeItInAmerica, American manufacturing has come roaring back. Since January 2021, our economy has added 660,000 manufacturing jobs. And major American companies have announced new plans to expand production on our shores."
08/26/2022 Tweet - "Democrats' #InflationReductionAct has three parts: 1. Lowering the cost of health care 2. Delivering the historic climate action 3. Dramatically reducing the deficit. And it's all fully paid for simply by asking the ultra-rich and big corporations to pay their fair share."
08/21/2022 Tweet - "The climate crisis has reached code red -- and Democrats are fighting back. Our bold new law, the #InflationReductionAct, will create 9 million good-paying jobs slashing carbon pollution by 40% by 2030 while powering America toward a sustainable clean energy future."
08/20/2022 Tweet - "Big corporations are pushing up prices & squeezing working families while reaping record profits. @HouseDemocrats put #PeopleOverPolitics: working to bring down costs & getting more money in families' pockets, while giving the people's interest leverage over special interest."
08/19/2022 Tweet - "Last year, nearly 65 million Americans received Social Security benefits. Yet, the Extreme MAGA Republicans continue to blurt out their dangerous plans to dismantle Social Security and Medicare."
08/17/2022 Tweet - "With our #InflationReductionAct, Democrats are striking a big blow to break the stranglehold of Big Oil and Big Pharma on our government. By slashing health care costs and taking bold climate action, this new law puts People Over Politics."
08/15/2022 Tweet - "It is welcome news to learn that @CMSGov , @CAPublicHealth & @SFGov have taken an essential step forward to continue funding Laguna Honda Hospital through November 13th without the trauma of transferring residents, ensuring that patients will continue receiving the care they need."
08/12/2022 Tweet - "The #InflationReductionAct addresses kitchen table issues & counters the impact of special interests. By reducing the cost of prescription drugs and health care, while taking bold action on climate, @HouseDemocrats passing this bill today puts #PeopleOverPolitics."
08/09/2022 Tweet - "Today, I was proud to join @SenSchumer , @SecRaimondo , Members of Congress & advocates as @POTUS ' signed the #CHIPSandScience Act into law. With his signature, America declared economic independence, strengthened its national security & enhanced our families' financial future."
08/05/2022 Tweet - "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was an historic leader of Japan, a valued friend to America and a global champion of peace and prosperity. It was my personal honor to pay tribute to Prime Minister Abe today at the Diet where he served for decades. May he rest in peace."
08/04/2022 Tweet - "America & South Korea share an unbreakable bond, forged by decades of friendship & partnership. Our delegation was honored to meet with Speaker @jinpyokim of the Korean National Assembly & to discuss how we can continue advancing security, prosperity & democracy for our nations."
08/02/2022 Tweet - "Our delegation's visit to Taiwan honors America's unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan's vibrant Democracy. Our discussions with Taiwan leadership reaffirm our support for our partner & promote our shared interests, including advancing a free & open Indo-Pacific region."

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