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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Religion


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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Date Title
05/01/2022 Pelosi Statement on Jewish American Heritage Month
04/01/2022 Pelosi Statement on the Beginning of Ramadan
12/01/2021 Speaker Pelosi's Remarks at U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
11/26/2021 Democratic Leadership Statement on Recent Islamophobic Comments by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert
10/09/2021 Pelosi Statement on Audience with His Holiness Pope Francis
09/06/2021 Pelosi Statement on Rosh Hashanah
12/31/2020 Pelosi Appoints Rear Admiral Margaret Grun Kibben First Woman to Serve as Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives
09/18/2020 Pelosi Statement on Rosh Hashanah
04/23/2020 Pelosi Statement on the Beginning of Ramadan
01/27/2020 Pelosi Statement on Three Years Since Trump Announced Muslim Travel Ban
09/27/2019 Pelosi Statement on Rosh Hashanah
05/05/2019 Pelosi Statement on the Beginning of Ramadan
02/11/2019 Democratic Leadership Statement on Anti-Semitic Comments of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
12/06/2017 Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration Declaration on Jerusalem
05/26/2017 Pelosi Statement in Observance of Ramadan
06/14/2016 Pelosi Statement on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Historic Visit to the Capitol
12/08/2015 Pelosi Statement on Outrageous Proposal to Bar Muslims from Entering U.S.
09/24/2015 Pelosi Statement on Pope Francis' Address to Congress
06/30/2015 Pelosi Statement on Announcement of Pope Francis' U.S. Itinerary
06/18/2015 Pelosi Remarks on His Holiness Pope Francis' Encyclical "Laudato Si'
05/22/2015 Pelosi Statement on Jewish American Heritage Month
02/05/2015 Pelosi Statement on Pope Francis Addressing Joint Meeting of Congress
07/09/2014 Pelosi Statement on Legislation Correcting Hobby Lobby Decision
04/28/2014 Pelosi Statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day
04/26/2014 Pelosi Statement on Canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II

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