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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Religion


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

Date Title
04/15/2022 Dear Colleague to All Members on the Convergence of Easter, Passover and Ramadan
04/15/2022 Tweet - "This evening, Jewish communities in America and around the world mark the beginning of #Passover: a season of renewal and resilience filled with symbolism and meaning. From my family to yours, chag sameach."
04/01/2022 Tweet - "Today at sundown, Muslim communities in America and around the world joyfully welcome the Holy Month of #Ramadan. Each year, the emergence of the new moon brings a season of self-reflection, spiritual renewal and gratitude for life's blessings."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "As House Speaker, it was an honor to welcome Americans from across the country to view the annual Lighting of the Capitol Christmas Tree. And as a proud Californian, it is especially exciting that this year's tree hails from Six Rivers National Forest."
10/09/2021 Tweet - "It was a spiritual, personal and official honor to have an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis this morning."
09/06/2021 Tweet - "#RoshHashanah offers an opportunity for millions of Jewish families to rejoice with loved ones and reflect on the blessings of the past year. As the celebration of the High Holy Days begins, Congress joins all Americans in wishing our Jewish communities health and happiness."
09/18/2020 Tweet - "At this time of celebration and introspection, let us come together in hope that this #RoshHashanah brings a year of good health and prosperity for the Jewish community, for America and for the world."
09/29/2019 Tweet - "May this new year usher in a time of joy, prosperity and peace for Jewish families in the United States and around the world. Shana tovah u'metukah -- may you have a happy, healthy, sweet new year. …"
05/05/2019 Tweet - "As families across America come together to celebrate the Holy month of Ramadan, we hope that this sacred time brings happiness, wisdom and countless blessings to you and your loved ones."
04/27/2019 Tweet - "We are closely following the situation surrounding today's shooting at Chabad synagogue in Poway, CA. We remain deeply grateful to first responders & community members working to protect their neighbors. We share in the grief of all who have been affected & their families."
03/28/2019 Tweet - "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: there is no place for religious bigotry in America. I wish all of the strength into the world to the Dar-ul-Arqam mosque community."
03/15/2019 Tweet - "We mourn the loss of 49 lives cut short in the horrific act of violence in Christchurch, New Zealand. Islamophobia and such acts of pure hatred have no place in a civilized world."
02/14/2019 Tweet - "I applaud @RepSeanMaloney, @RepAngieCraig & @RepKatieHill for leading the charge against the blatantly unconstitutional attempt to allow the GOP's anti-LGBTQ, anti-Semitic & anti-Muslim bigotry to take root in our foster & adoption systems."
01/27/2019 Tweet - "Whether they were Jewish, Roma, LGBTQ or one of the many other communities targeted, our duty to remember every soul lost to the Holocaust doesn't wither with time. We must do all we can to stand up to genocide, hatred & bigotry in the world. #HolocaustMemorialDay #WeRemember"
11/02/2018 Tweet - "The strength of America's Jewish community has been on full display in the week since the anti-Semitic attack at Tree of Life Synagogue. To all participating in #ShowUpForShabbat: your determination is inspiring to us all. I join in solidarity against hate and violence."