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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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12/04/2017 Tweet - "Republicans are already trying to use the #GOPTaxScam to justify taking an axe to our children's health care. #ProtectOurCare source: @voxdotcom"
12/04/2017 Tweet - "The #GOPTaxScam once again proves the @HouseGOP hasn't learned from history. The LAST thing we should be doing is rewarding outsourcers with a tax break -- but that's exactly what they aim to do."
12/04/2017 Tweet - "The #GOPTaxScam is one of the worst bills to be brought to the floor in the history of the United States. We will fight with everything we have to stop this bill from becoming the law of the land."
12/04/2017 Tweet - "If you want to understand the importance of the fight to stop the #GOPTaxScam, look to the fight to stop #Trumpcare. That's how crucial it is that we stop this thing."
12/01/2017 Tweet - "Each and every American should be disgusted by the callous way the #GOPTaxScam approaches the needs of seniors."
12/01/2017 Tweet - ".@SenateMajLdr, if you are so intent on forcing middle class families to foot the bill so your donors can have a tax break, at least have the decency to find a printer. #GOPTaxScam"
12/01/2017 Tweet - "GOP plan scraps deductions for the middle class to bankroll tax cuts for rich people." That says all you need to know. #GOPTaxScam"
11/30/2017 Tweet - "REMINDER: The #GOPTaxScam is a gift to the wealthy not middle class families"
11/30/2017 Tweet - "-Students -Seniors -Teachers -Single parents They and more will have a harder time under the #GOPTaxScam. How can Rs seriously claim otherwise?"
11/30/2017 Tweet - "Unless they've have been asleep for the last 30 years, there's no excuse for Republicans continuing to push the disproven and failed "trickle down economics" in the #GOPTaxScam."
11/30/2017 Tweet - "Did you know that the #GOPTaxScam would give a TAX BREAK to companies that OUTSOURCE American jobs to other countries?"
11/30/2017 Tweet - "According to experts, the #GOPTaxScam would slash home values by 10%."
11/30/2017 Tweet - "The truth of the #GOPTaxScam is that Republicans marched past a large number of real ways to help empower our economy and decided to just give their donors a tax cut instead."
11/30/2017 Tweet - "FACT: 82 million middle class families would get a tax hike under the #GOPTaxScam. And they're not happy about it."
11/29/2017 Tweet - "Republicans will do anything to obscure the devastating impact their #GOPTaxScam will have on middle class families nationwide."
11/29/2017 Tweet - "@realDonaldTrump, now will you admit the #GOPTaxScam won't create jobs or boost wages?"
11/20/2017 Tweet - "BREAKING: 82 million middle class households face a TAX HIKE under the Senate's obscene #GOPTaxScam. We must defeat Republicans' monstrous assault on the middle class."
11/16/2017 Tweet - "FACT: The #GOPTaxScam does away with the Work Opportunity Tax Credits -- an important tool in connecting Americans with good jobs."
11/16/2017 Tweet - "The #GOPTaxScam is a perfect example of the GOP's priorities. 36 million middle class families would see a tax hike."
11/15/2017 Tweet - "Nearly 9 million families claim the medical expense deduction nationwide, worth nearly $10,000 on average. #GOPTaxScam would permanently eliminate that benefit. But please, @SpeakerRyan, tell us how the #GOPTaxScam will help the Middle Class."
11/14/2017 Tweet - "So let's get this straight… the GOP wants the #GOPTaxScam to kick millions off health insurance (by repealing key part of #ACA) AND repeal the tax deduction for medical expenses? Have they no heart?"
11/14/2017 Tweet - "REMINDER: "Trickle-down economics" has no basis in reality. #GOPTaxScam"
11/13/2017 Tweet - "Remember: 38 million families will see their taxes go up under #GOPTaxScam. @HouseGOP Members are being asked to walk the plank."
11/13/2017 Tweet - "With all due respect, Mr. President, do you understand what you are saying? Your #GOPTaxScam raises taxes on 38 million middle class families. And now, you want to raise premiums on millions of families to throw even more tax cuts to the rich? No thanks."
11/10/2017 Tweet - "The #GOPTaxScam is an assault on the American middle class and an insult to the intelligence of Americans nationwide."

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