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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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12/08/2022 Tweet - "My heart is full. The Respect for Marriage Act will soon be the law of the land: a glorious triumph for love and freedom."
07/21/2022 Tweet - "Today, 197 Members of @HouseGOP made clear that they don't believe women have a right to contraception. These extremist Republicans don't want women to have birth control - they want to control women. And @HouseDemocrats are fighting back!"
07/13/2022 Tweet - "As Speaker of the House, it was my privilege to celebrate Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune: an unyielding force for racial justice, a pioneering voice for gender equity and a devoted advocate for education."
07/02/2022 Tweet - "Nearly six decades ago, the courage & sacrifice of countless civil rights heroes gave rise to the landmark Civil Rights Act. This transformative legislation stands as a pillar of our Democracy, helping move our nation closer to our founding promise of liberty & justice for all."
06/25/2022 Tweet - "Nine years ago today, the Supreme Court dealt a grave blow to American Democracy with its disastrous ruling in Shelby v. Holder."
06/20/2022 Tweet - "On #WorldRefugeeDay, Americans join the international community in recognizing the plight of all who have been forced to flee from war, persecution, natural disasters & other horrors. We pray for & stand with the nearly 90 million people who have been subjected to such tragedies."
06/19/2022 Tweet - "Juneteenth is both a celebration of freedom and a moment to reflect on the horrendous injustice that has stained the soul of our nation."
06/13/2022 Tweet - "Today, I proudly stood with @POTUS , @VP and Members of Congress for the signing of H.R. 3525 -- the first step toward establishing a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture."
06/09/2022 Tweet - "The promise of our Democracy will only be realized when every American has the freedom to reach their fulfillment -- no matter who they are or who they love. That is why I am proud to fight alongside @LGBTEqCaucus to secure the liberation of full equality for all. #CECPrideChats"
06/07/2022 Tweet - "Today, I joined Members of @CAPAC to sign legislation taking the first steps toward establishing a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture."
06/01/2022 Tweet - "National Caribbean-American Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and diversity of a community that has enriched the fabric of our Democracy for generations -- from our history-making @VP to leaders in the Congress to innovators in the arts and sciences."
06/01/2022 Tweet - For more than half a century, #Pride Month has been a powerful expression of resilience, love and solidarity. Pride is an opportunity for Americans to celebrate the beauty of our nation's LGBTQ community, speak out against bigotry and advance the fight for justice and equality."
05/31/2022 Tweet - "Today, Americans solemnly mark 101 years since the start of the Tulsa Race Massacre, one of the most horrifying campaigns of racial violence in our nation's history."
05/17/2022 Tweet - "International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is an opportunity to join together in condemning the vile hate that still threatens the safety, well-being and fulfillment of our LGBTQ friends, neighbors and loved ones. #IDAHOBIT"
05/12/2022 Tweet - "As Speaker, it was my privilege to visit the FDR Memorial to celebrate 25 years since its dedication. President Roosevelt embodied strength, courage, patience and persistence. And he taught our nation to respect people for what they can do -- not judge them for what they cannot."
05/10/2022 Tweet - "Today, the House took historic action paving the way for Congressional staffers to choose to join together in a union. By empowering staffers to advocate for themselves and each other, we take an important step to ensure the House is best able to serve the American people."
05/01/2022 Tweet - "Today, on the first day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Americans celebrate all that the AAPI community has done to shape our history, enrich our cultural tapestry and engage in our democracy."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "Today, I joined members of the King family and @OMarkarova at a candlelight vigil marking 54 years since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We highlighted the importance of protecting democracy -- here at home and around the world."
03/31/2022 Tweet - "Today, Californians and all Americans honor César Chávez, a fearless champion for justice and a tireless civil rights activist. Chávez was an icon of the modern labor movement, leading the United Farm Workers' fight for better pay and protections against exploitation."
03/29/2022 Tweet - "Today, I was proud to join @POTUS for the signing of the Emmett Till Antilynching Act. With his signature, lynching is finally designated as a federal hate crime -- a long-overdue action to correct an historic injustice and build a safer future our all our children."
03/28/2022 Tweet - "This cruel legislation is an affront to our Nation's cherished values and sends a harmful message to our children. @GovRonDeSantis and Florida Republicans have chosen to needlessly bully, isolate and demean LGBTQ students."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "This afternoon, we prepared to send the Emmett Till Antilynching Act to President Biden for his signature. This landmark legislation will designate lynching as a federal hate crime: action that has long been overdue."
03/05/2022 Tweet - "The voices of women have weathered adversity to move America closer to realizing its greatest ideals. We stand on the shoulders of trailblazing pioneers & everyday heroes alike, & honor the legacy of those women by reaffirming a simple truth: when women succeed, America succeeds."
02/28/2022 Tweet - "The House took an important step to advance the cause of justice by finally designating lynching as a hate crime under federal law. In again passing @RepBobbyRush 's Emmett Till #AntilynchingAct, we are confronting the reality of racist violence & helping to build a safer future."
02/09/2022 Tweet - "Today, the House took a bold step forward in protecting the fundamental rights of the global LGBTQ community. The bipartisan #GlobalRespectAct will ensure America offers no safe haven to those who violate the human rights of our LGBTQ family, friends & neighbors around the world."

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