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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

Date Title
10/16/2022 Tweet - ". @HouseGOP won't stop at banning abortion in all 50 states. As they double down on their extreme MAGA Agenda, they want to lock up doctors for 5 years and even end the right to birth control. This is an assault on health, freedom and financial security."
09/28/2022 Tweet - "Every woman, everywhere has the right to health freedom. But the extreme MAGA @HouseGOP has pledged to ban abortion in all 50 states and sentence doctors for 5 years in prison. @HouseDemocrats will always defend women's health care, because we put #PeopleOverPolitics."
07/28/2022 Tweet - "Today, @DemWomenCaucus and @ProChoiceCaucus gathered to shine a light on Republicans' twisted vision for America #WithoutRoe -- a dark agenda of punishment, control and complicity in horrific abuse. We are standing strong -- saying loud and clear: We are not going back."
07/18/2022 Tweet - "Because of the Republican Party's extreme goal of ripping away women's rights, American women today have less freedom than their mothers. In the states, we are already seeing the horrifying consequences of this extreme agenda."
07/17/2022 Tweet - "@HouseDemocrats are fighting back against the GOP assault on health freedom with our Ensuring Women's Right to Reproductive Freedom Act. This would stop the GOP from punishing women for exercising their Constitutional right to travel across state lines for an abortion."
07/16/2022 Tweet - "This week, Democrats took action to defend reproductive freedom. Because a woman's health decisions belong to her alone -- not to politicians in Congress, state capitols or the Supreme Court. See what else happened with my Medium post, "Madam Speaker.'"
07/15/2022 Tweet - "Join @DemWomenCaucus and me at the U.S. Capitol ahead of the passage of legislation to protect women's reproductive freedom and to stop Republicans from criminalizing women exercising their constitutional right to travel to obtain an abortion."
07/15/2022 Tweet - "It is outrageous that women must again fight for our most basic rights against an extremist Supreme Court and Republican Party. The Women's Health Protection Act would protect those rights -- enshrining Roe v. Wade into federal law."
07/15/2022 Tweet - "We're already seeing the horrific consequences of the Republican's extreme agenda to criminalize women's health freedom. @HouseDemocrats are fighting back this week with two strong bills to defend women's reproductive rights."
07/01/2022 Tweet - "As @POTUS said yesterday, we must codify Roe into law. This means the Senate must eliminate the filibuster to restore women's fundamental rights. At the same time, here's a thread of some of the legislative action Democrats are exploring to protect women's health & freedom:"
06/27/2022 Tweet - "With Roe out of their way, Congressional Republicans want to criminalize abortion nationwide. Republicans in the states threaten to arrest doctors for offering reproductive care & women for terminating a pregnancy. Democrats are fighting back against this assault on freedom."
06/24/2022 Tweet - "Today, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has achieved the GOP's dark and extreme goal of ripping away women's right to make their own reproductive health decisions."
05/13/2022 Tweet - "Today, I joined @HouseDemocrats on the steps of the United States Capitol, across from the Supreme Court, to say to the Supreme Court and to the Senate: hands off women's reproductive health care. #ProtectRoe"
05/11/2022 Tweet - "Today, Senate Republicans lined up in lockstep behind Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump to vote to rip away the Constitutional right to health freedom from American women across the nation."
01/22/2022 Tweet - "Today, America marks nearly half a century since the courts affirmed the Constitutional right of every woman to have the freedom to make her own decisions about her body, health and family. But, Roe v. Wade now faces its most alarming threat in decades."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "As the Supreme Court hears arguments in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, it has the opportunity and responsibility to honor the Constitution, the law and this basic truth: every woman has the constitutional right to basic reproductive health care."
09/20/2021 Tweet - "Today, Congressional Democrats are taking action in the Courts as we stand with the American people and the law in defense of this truth: every woman, everywhere, has the constitutional right to basic reproductive health care."
09/02/2021 Tweet - "The Court's cowardly decision to uphold a flagrantly unconstitutional assault on women's rights and health is staggering. The House will bring up Congresswoman Judy Chu's Women's Health Protection Act to enshrine into law reproductive health care for all women across America."
09/01/2021 Tweet - "SCOTUS's failure to block #SB8 has delivered catastrophe to women in Texas. This radical law is an all out effort to erase the rights and protections of Roe v Wade."