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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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Date Title
07/20/2022 Pelosi Statement on the Ten-Year Anniversary of the Aurora Tragedy
06/23/2022 Pelosi Statement on Supreme Court Decision Promoting Gun Violence
06/23/2022 Pelosi Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Safer Communities Act
06/22/2022 Pelosi Statement on House Republican Vote Against Saving Lives in Active Shooter Scenarios
06/21/2022 Pelosi Statement on Senate Bipartisan Gun Violence Prevention Legislation
06/12/2022 Pelosi Statement on Six Years Since Orlando's Pulse Nightclub Shooting
05/24/2022 Pelosi Statement on Elementary School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas
05/15/2022 Pelosi Statement on Racist Mass Shooting in Buffalo, New York
04/11/2022 Pelosi Statement on President Biden's Actions to Fight Gun Crime
04/03/2022 Pelosi Statement on Shooting in Sacramento
12/14/2021 Pelosi Statement Marking Nine Years Since the Shooting in Newtown
08/03/2021 Pelosi Statement on Two Years Since Shooting in El Paso
08/03/2021 Pelosi Statement on Two Years Since Shooting in El Paso
06/17/2021 Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today
04/08/2021 Pelosi Statement on President Biden's Gun Violence Prevention Executive Orders
03/17/2021 Pelosi Statement on Shootings in Georgia
02/14/2021 Pelosi Statement on Three Years Since Parkland Shooting
01/08/2021 Pelosi Statement Marking Ten Years Since the Tucson Tragedy
12/14/2020 Pelosi Statement Marking Eight Years Since the Shooting in Newtown
12/14/2020 Pelosi Statement on Elector to Electoral College Meeting in Sacramento
10/27/2020 Pelosi Statement on Two Years Since the Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting
08/03/2020 Pelosi Statement on One Year Since Shooting in El Paso
06/17/2020 Pelosi Statement on Five Years Since the Mother Emanuel Church Massacre
06/12/2020 Pelosi Statement on Four Years Since Orlando's Pulse Nightclub Shooting
02/26/2020 Pelosi Statement on the Shooting in Milwaukee

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