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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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Date Title
07/31/2022 Pelosi to Lead Congressional Delegation to Indo-Pacific Region
09/20/2021 Pelosi Statement on the Tenth Anniversary of the Implementation of the Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
06/23/2021 Pelosi Remarks at Press Conference Introducing Vanessa Guillén Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act
05/13/2021 Transcript of Speaker Pelosi's Remarks at Press Conference on Reintroduction of the I Am Vanessa Guillén Act
03/31/2021 Pelosi Statement on Biden Administration Formalizing Protections for Transgender Servicemembers
12/22/2020 Pelosi Statement on 10th Anniversary of End of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
12/12/2020 Pelosi Statement Calling on VA Secretary Wilkie to Resign
09/16/2020 Pelosi Statement on Meeting with Family of Vanessa Guillen
09/04/2020 Pelosi Statement on Trump Comments on Sacrifice of American Servicemembers
07/02/2020 Pelosi, Schumer Joint Statement Following Gang of 8 Briefing on Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops in Afghanistan
06/26/2020 Pelosi Statement on Circuit Court Ruling Against Trump's Misuse of Funds for Ineffective, Wasteful Wall
03/31/2020 Congressman Anthony Brown: "I am honored to be appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors"
03/11/2020 Pelosi Statement on House Passage of Senate War Powers Joint Resolution
10/20/2019 Pelosi, Bipartisan Congressional Delegation Conclude Visit to Afghanistan
06/22/2019 Pelosi Statement on 75th Anniversary of the GI Bill
05/26/2019 Pelosi Statement on Observance of Memorial Day
11/24/2018 Pelosi Statement on Transgender Service Ban
03/24/2018 Pelosi Statement on Trump Transgender Memo
08/25/2017 Statement on President Trump's Signing of Memorandum Implementing Discriminatory Assault on Transgender Troops
07/26/2017 Pelosi Statement on President Trump's Military Transgender Ban
07/13/2017 Pelosi Statement on Republican Anti-Transgender Servicemember Amendment to Defense Authorization Bill
07/01/2017 Pelosi Statement on Defense Department Delaying Transgender Enlistment
06/24/2017 Pelosi Statement on Reports of Defense Department Request to Delay Transgender Enlistment
05/26/2017 Pelosi Statement in Observance of Memorial Day
04/21/2017 Pelosi Statement on House Republican Proposal to Create Tax on Newly-Enlisted Troops

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