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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

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06/28/2022 Tweet - "As Speaker of the House, it was my privilege to express gratitude from Congress and the Country to the U.S. Marines of Tri-Mission Rome. Every day, we are thankful for the service and patriotism of our men and women in uniform."
09/20/2021 Tweet - "Ten years ago today, America took a monumental step forward on the march toward full equality. When the repeal of the hateful #DontAskDontTell policy took effect, tens of thousands of brave, patriotic LGBTQ Servicemembers could finally openly serve our country."
08/26/2021 Tweet - "Today, I ordered flags at the U.S. Capitol to be flown at half-staff in honor of the U.S. Servicemembers & others killed in the terrorist attack outside of the Kabul airport. Congress & the Country pray for the innocent lives lost, those injured & the families of all affected."
08/26/2021 Tweet - "Today, I ordered flags at the U.S. Capitol to be flown at half-staff in honor of the U.S. Servicemembers & others killed in the terrorist attack outside of the Kabul airport. Congress & the Country pray for the innocent lives lost, those injured & the families of all affected."
08/26/2021 Tweet - "The United States House of Representatives strongly condemns the heinous terrorist attack outside Kabul airport. We mourn the loss of every innocent life taken, and we join every American in heartbreak over the deaths of the servicemembers killed."
06/24/2021 Tweet - "Yesterday, I joined bipartisan Members of Congress for the introduction of the Vanessa Guillén Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act. It is an honor to stand with Democrats and Republicans, House and Senate, who support this legislation."
12/22/2020 Tweet - "Ten years after America took the critical step of repealing the hateful #DontAskDontTell policy, we remain committed to honoring our LGBTQ servicemembers & all those who don the uniform. Our unfinished work is to end the Trump ban on transgender troops."
09/16/2020 Tweet - "America continues to hold Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen's family in our hearts. Today, I spoke to her loved ones about securing justice for Vanessa & gave them my commitment that @RepSpeier's #IAmVanessaGuillen Act will receive a vote on the House Floor."
09/04/2020 Tweet - "President Trump's insulting comments about our men and women in uniform are appalling. Our military deserves a Commander-in-Chief who respects their service. Clearly, Trump does not."
07/04/2020 Tweet - "On July 4, 1776, our Founders had the courage to declare that all are created equal and to fight a revolution for the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
07/03/2020 Tweet - "The hearts of Americans nationwide are with Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen's family as they mourn her tragic loss. We stand with them as they demand answers, and are grateful for @RepSylviaGarcia 's efforts to deliver justice & protect all women serving our country."
06/29/2020 Tweet - "Today, I spoke with DNI Ratcliffe & CIA Director Haspel, following up on my formal request for a full House briefing on intelligence that Russia secretly offered Taliban-connected militants bounties for killing American and coalition troops in Afghanistan."
01/05/2020 Tweet - "The thoughts of all Americans are with the families of the US servicemember & contractors killed & with wounded Defense Dept. personnel in Manda Bay, Kenya. Together with our allies, we must strengthen our commitment to defeating al-Shabaab & the forces of terror in the world."
12/22/2019 Tweet - "They told us throwing out "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" would damage our military. They told us "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was essential protecting America. They were wrong. Nine years after DADT was finally repealed, our military is stronger for it."
09/25/2019 Tweet "The Senate's bipartisan vote today to terminate @realDonaldTrump's fake national emergency is an important step to saving the $3.6 billion of critical military construction projects that improve the quality of life for our servicemembers & their families."
09/03/2019 Tweet - "Canceling military construction projects at home & abroad to pay for @realDonaldTrump's wasteful, ineffective wall will undermine our national security and the quality of life & morale of our troops, making America less secure."
07/01/2019 Tweet - "Eleven years after it first became law, the Post-9/11 GI Bill is still stands as a testament to our ongoing effort to serve our men & women in uniform. We are grateful for your service to our country & for all you will do empower our communities in the years to come."
05/22/2019 Tweet - "The #GOPTaxScam included a large number of flaws -- including large tax hikes on military survivors & families. Tomorrow, Democrats will pass the solution that will put an end to this #KiddieTax. Tune in as we discuss momentarily: "
05/22/2019 Tweet - "The #GOPTaxScam included a shameful #KiddieTax on military survivors & families. Tune in as we discuss legislation that will give these patriotic Americans much needed relief."
04/13/2019 Tweet - "No American with the bravery & ability to serve should be turned away by our military because of who they are. To the author & their fellow trans service members: we will not stop fighting for you. Our thoughts are with you & your loved ones. #FightTheBan"
03/12/2019 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump's revival of his bigoted, disgusting ban on trans Americans serving in our armed forces is a stunning attack on the patriots who keep us safe. No one w/ the strength & bravery to serve should be turned away because of who they are."
03/05/2019 Tweet - "Trump's trans ban is designed to humiliate brave Americans. It is deeply concerning that DoD officials appear to have given inaccurate testimony to Congress to justify a discriminatory policy. We must ensure that hate doesn't dictate our national security. "
01/22/2019 Tweet - ". @realDonaldTrump 's ban on trans Americans serving in our nation's military was purpose-built to humiliate brave men & women seeking to serve their country. Deeply concerning that #SCOTUS is allowing his ban to proceed for now. #ProtectTransTroops"
11/23/2018 Tweet - "I am thankful for the heroism of all of America's military men and women, including our trans servicemembers--@realDonaldTrump's attacks on these brave people in uniform are a disgrace. …"
09/20/2018 Tweet - "Seven years ago, we took a firm stand against bigotry by finally ending the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, and in turn America took an important step towards recognizing its highest ideals of equality. #LoveIsLove"

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