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Nancy Pelosi's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 11

Date Title
07/13/2021 Tweet - "We want the economy to work for all Americans. No parent should have to stay home and miss a paycheck just because they can't afford care for a loved one."
06/20/2021 Tweet - "In order to create an equitable workforce, we must empower individuals to be able to care for their families without losing their paycheck. That's why the American Jobs Plan makes transformative investments in the care economy. #BuildBackBetter"
06/09/2021 Tweet - "The Care Economy is the key to Build Back Better. Parents & caregivers can't go back to work & grow our economy unless they have child care, paid leave & care for parents and other loved ones. That's why @HouseDemocrats & @POTUS are investing in and fighting for the #CareEconomy."
05/28/2021 Tweet - "The American Jobs Plan will ensure that people can go to work secure in the knowledge that their families are being cared for, thanks to a historic commitment to elder care."
06/12/2020 Tweet - "Our nation is in the midst of a health and economic crisis of staggering proportions. The Administration's shameful rule is an attack on the health care of women, communities of color, seniors, the disabled and the LGBTQ community."
07/01/2019 Tweet - "For 53 years, #Medicare has stood as a promise to seniors across the country -- America will ensure you live with the dignity you have earned. @HouseDemocrats stand committed to protecting Medicare for years to come!"
12/01/2017 Tweet - "Each and every American should be disgusted by the callous way the #GOPTaxScam approaches the needs of seniors."