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Lucille Roybal-Allard's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

Date Title
10/07/2022 Letter to Hon. Lina M. Khan, Chair of the FTC - Rep. Mike Levin Leads 31 Members of Congress Demanding FTC Investigation into California Oil Refineries
09/30/2021 Letter to Rochelle Walensky, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Fitzpatrick, Deutch Lead Bipartisan Letter Calling on CDC to Lift Dog Import Suspension
07/29/2020 Letter to Robert E. Lighthizer, Ambassador of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative - Pascrell, Wenstrup Lead 164 Members Urging Removal of Tariffs That Could Further Harm Reeling American Families and Businesses
05/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, United States Secretary of State - Fitzpatrick Joins Overwhelming Bipartisan Majority of House Members Calls On Administration To Extend Iran Arms Embargo
01/14/2020 Letter to Robert Lighthizer, Ambassador for U.S. Trade Representative - Co-Chairs Thompson, Newhouse, 106 Wine Caucus Members Urge USTR Not to Target Wine in Trade Disputes
07/18/2019 Letter to the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce - Rep. Takano, Rep. Haaland, and More than 40 Members of Congress Demand Federal Action to Address Global Recycling Challenges
07/18/2019 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Rep. Takano, Rep. Haaland, and More than 40 Members of Congress Demand Federal Action to Address Global Recycling Challenges
10/15/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - Walorski, Kind Call on USTR Lighthizer to Establish Tariff Exclusion Process
01/23/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - End Outsourcing
06/01/2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives - Trade Adjustment Assistance Funding
04/30/2015 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State, Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transportation - U.S. Open Skies Policy
06/17/2014 Letter to Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce - Level Playing Field For U.S. Steel Manufacturers
06/12/2014 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State, and Michael Froman, U.S. Trade Representative - End Trade Negotiations with Brunei
05/29/2014 Letter to Michael Froman, Ambassador Office of the US Trade Representative - Protect Workers' Rights in TPP Negotiations
02/20/2014 Letter to Michael Froman, US Trade Representative - Retain Strong Environmental Protections in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
11/13/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Outdated Fast Track For Trans-Pacific Partnership
06/05/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Currency Manipulation in Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
05/28/2013 Letter to Miriam Sapiro, Acting United States Trade Representative - Tariffs on Women's Jeans
02/20/2013 Letter to Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director for Management Jeffrey Zients - Other Options for USDA Catfish Inspection Program
01/19/2011 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - China Unfair Trade Practices
09/28/2010 Letter to The President
06/23/2010 Letter to the Honorable House Financial Services Committee Chairman, Barney Frank and the Honorable Senate Banking Committee Chairman, Chris Dodd