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Lucille Roybal-Allard's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

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Date Title
02/08/2022 Letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary Agriculture - Harder & California Delegation Lead Letter Ensuring the State Receives Fair Share of Wildfire Funding
12/24/2021 Letter to Hon. Shalanda Young, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Hon. Michael L. Connor, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works - Rep. Gomez, Sen. Padilla and Los Angeles Congressional Delegation Lead Effort to Fund LA River Restoration Project
07/27/2021 Letter to Hon. Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Matsui And Colleagues Urge Epa To Reinstate Waiver For California's Clean Car Standards
06/11/2021 Letter to Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Harder Leads Letter Urging Ongoing Support for the Water Affordability Assistance Program
04/12/2021 Letter to Honorable Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of Defense - Castro, Gallego, and Hispanic Caucus Urge Defense Department to Rename Ft. Hood After Mexican-American Medal of Honor Recipient, Update Base Naming Criteria
12/10/2020 Letter to Honorable Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader, Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Minority Leader, Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of The House, and Honorable Kevin Mc Carthy, Republican Leader - Cortez Masto, Rosen Urge Congressional Leaders: Pass the Bipartisan Restaurants Act Before Too Late
08/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Tammy Whitcomb, Inspector General of the USPS - Tlaib, Blunt Rochester and Boyle Lead Over 70 Members of the House in Demanding an Investigation into Postmaster DeJoy's Policies
08/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Louis DeJoy, Postmaster General - Dingell Leads Over 100 Bipartisan House Members in Urging Postmaster General to Properly Execute Delivery of Mail-in Ballots
08/13/2020 Letter to the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of the Dept. of Commerce, the Hon. Dr. Steven Dillingham, Director of the Census Bureau - Fudge, Richmond Request Plan for Complete Census Count Following Abrupt Schedule Changes
07/29/2020 Letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer - Representatives Nadler, García, Moore, Takano, and over 100 Members Highlight Urgent Need to Support Public Transportation Agencies
06/22/2020 Letter to Lieutenant General Todd T. Semonite, Chief of Engineers and Commanding General at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Schiff, Napolitano, Roybal-Allard, Gomez Seek Increased Army Corps Funding for Los Angeles River Restoration Project
06/10/2020 Letter to the Honorable Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader, and the Hon. Chuck Schumer, Minority Leader - Sarbanes Joins Bipartisan Call for Emergency USPS Funding
05/26/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury - Garcia, Schakowsky, Porter Ask Treasury Secretary to Clarify Airline Guidance on Layoffs
05/11/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Lamb, Gibbs Lead Bipartisan Call to Fund Transportation Infrastructure
05/06/2020 Letter to the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader - Congresswoman Angie Craig Joins 82 Colleagues Pushing For The Strongest Possible Relief for USPS
04/15/2020 Letter to Jane Williams, Acting Administrator at the Federal Transit Administration - Representatives Malinowski, Fitzpatrick, Moulton and Bacon Lead Effort to Protect Frontline Transit Workers
04/07/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Hon. Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Rep. Cox Signs on to Effort to Prevent Water Shutoffs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
01/22/2020 Letter to the Honorable Steve Dickson, Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration - Los Angeles-Area Congresswomen Insist on Answers About Delta Jet Fuel Dump
01/22/2020 Letter to The Honorable Steve Dickson, Administrator of the United States Federal Aviation Administration - Rep. Roybal-Allard Leads Letter to FAA with Questions on Delta Jet Fuel Dump
12/17/2019 Letter to the Hon. Assistant Secretary James and the Hon. Lieutenant General Semonite - Rep Lieu Leads LA Members Urging Army Corps of Engineers to Support Coastal Water Project
12/14/2018 Letter to Richard H. Anderson, President and CEO of National Passenger Rail Corporation - Takano Leads Bipartisan Letter Opposing the Closure of Amtrak's Reservations Facility in Riverside
08/06/2018 Letter to Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Acting Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - 50+ Tri-Caucus Members Oppose Weaker Clean Car Standards, Warn of Disproportionate Impact on Communities of Color
04/18/2018 Letter to Bill Shuster, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Peter DeFazio, Ranking Member - Key Provision in WRDA that Increases Water Supply in The South Bay
07/31/2017 Letter to Armando Quintero, Chair of the California Water Commission - Proposition 1 Funding for Sites Reservoir
06/16/2017 Letter to the Honorable Scott Pruitt, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator - Clean Air Act Pollution Safeguards

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